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ivor (DayZ)

How often do choppers respawn?

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theyre still disabled atm but yes they respawn when server restarts, but each server only get 2 choppers at once, so if none are broken or crashed beyond repair none will spawn on restarts, theres has to be on open spot for one to spawn

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If you mean flyable helo's then not really. The spawn locations are reset everytime they spawn if no one has fixed them up and flown them away. No choppers wont spawn again until the current ones in use are destroyed or have been innactive for 3 days. After these things happen they will respawn at 2 locations out of: Rog Castle, Cherno hospital, NE AF, NW AF when the server restarts. But like he said they are disabled right now.

If you mean chopper crash sites, those change every server restart. So if you are in a server with 4 restarts a day, stick around stary sobor. When the server restarts I've had most of my luck around NW AF, and the fields all around stary in about a 5 KM radius.

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