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Forum Moderators Wanted!

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IF you were to make exceptions, then I would gladly contribute to this community;

- I am available every single day, both week and weekdays.

- Currently a student (19, obviously below the requirement).

- I can be active on forums throughout most of the day, both on my laptop and on my phone.

- I currently reside in the GMT sector, but I'm awake from 7am through till roughly 1am every day. (London)

- Have been put in several trust positions of other communities and have experience in moderating.

- Can be a lot more active on the forums than I am (Currently only browse and read threads, etc.)

I would gladly help, but sadly I'm below the required age and I respect that decision, but if there are such exceptions, I would no doubtingly be happy to take on the role and to help moderate these forums as thoroughly as I could.

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I can do it. I'm a little bit sweet and sour, but my heart is in the right place. I can do some work on the GMT +10.

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Would love to do it. Moderator on a few DayZ servers, have my own community (100+ members). GMT +2, working at the Airforce and would love to help in any way possible! Also lot's of DayZ in game experience ofcourse ;-)

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Would love to do it! I'm 24 years old, and the last week I have been joining the forum and I love it, actually to the point that I spend more time on the forum then in the actual game. I had several years of experience moderating the Gamer.nl forums (one of the biggest Dutch game fora with hundreds of active members), and also have been Administrator there for 2,5 years. I'm in GMT+2 and generally online from 07:00 AM to 00:30 AM (as I check the forums during my work).

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more then half the people applying dont realize that you dont get anything special with this no monetary compensation infact you will most likley be hated by the community when you have to hand out justice

its a thankless job just remember this before you apply and let the dev team down...

You do understand that most Of the people who applied also say they run other forums or moderate other forums. Almos certain they don't get paid to moderate those either.

I am also not worried about receiving any rep wether it is positive or negative. I'm soon to become a police officer and half the teen society hates you just cause you're a cop. But even if they hate you, you still have to do your job and be professional about it no matter what and always keep your cool.

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-Available to moderate most days at least between 6pm-9pm.

:-Yes, probably from 8am until midnight

-Fairly active on the forums.

:-I browse them everyday. I post sometimes.


:-That I am

-21 or older

:-24 years of age

-Living in these timezones (GMT):

I am -6(Central)

I'm currently a Community Manager for Spiral Game Studios (makers of Orion: Dino Beatdown) which is just a fancier name for forum mod, so I have experience in dealing with game forums as a moderator. For my real job I am a software developer, I mainly develop with ASP, vb.net, Java (Android), and some objective based C (iOS programming) So I'm also very computer savvy.

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You had me until "Diplomatic".


I also wonder about the age thing. Don't get me wrong, I meet the criteria... It's just that I'm almost 40, and I forget a whole ... I forget a ... DOWN WITH BANDIT SKINS!

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There is something critically flawed with your personality if being a forum moderator is an attractive prospect.

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Hi, im ECH0!

Im 23 and I live in London.

I would like to help moderate.

I'm very diplomatic.


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Eh. I'm 16... but I used to moderate several websites for clans... I used to be an officer in several units, I've since left or they disbanded. I'm on here everyday, and I would love to do it, but the age restriction, and the fact that I'm in the GMT -5 Timezone will probably keep me from doing it, but no point in not trying huh?

Hi, I'm KrazedMan

I'm 16 and live in North Carolina, USA

I would love to help out.

I'm diplomatic, its in my nature actually...

I can only hope you ignore the age and timezone....

Opportunity: You will always miss 100% of the shots you don't take. So I suppose I will take this shot.

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23 years old

-10 GMT

Living in anchorage Alaska

Can meet the requirements

Please PM if you need more info etc

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Thanks for your applications!

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