MagicFloof 2 Posted July 26, 2012 I seem to have recently noticed a large amount of Disconnecting players with Personal experience. Such as yesterday, when I was at the northwest airbase Outside of the control tower from a distance. It was night, so he was obviously a server hopper searching for equipment. He looked to have a DMR, but he had his Flashlight out, looking around. I turned on my NV goggles at this point and took 2 shots with my Sniper. I had been in the control tower about 4 Minutes before hand, so no one would have been in there before; so I went upstairs, knowing he was dead because I had recieved the Murder for it. I heard flies around the top but I couldn't see the body. This has happened a number of times, and I think I may have a solution.I play minecraft and servers Crate a 'Combat Logger' depending on the Plugin, or 'Mod' if you will. So If Th Dev' team were to create one of these Combat logging Copy's of the player, inventory and BackPack intact, you could simply pick off the person without him being able to defend him self, since he would have logged off to protect his items. The Victim would make contact with a 'Projectile'and there could be a timer of 1 Minute before the person was able to safely log off without the Copy being created.This may not be full proof, as a bullet could hit the person, with the shooter being a large distance away, giving them enough time for them to log off in a corner before the shooter manages to finish him off. I suppose you could extend the time, but that is Up to the creators. It certainly acts as a deterrent for these combat loggers on Minecraft, so it should hopefully be just as efficient on DayZ :3Thanks,Your neighbourhood SharpShooter, Floof. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites