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Deek (DayZ)

Reintroducing Humanity: Thoughts

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That occurred to me as well. It would be cool if there were notes posted on boards, or carved into fences, the sides of barns or something. "I saw so-and-so shoot a guy in the face. He didn't even ask his name!" Randomly generated stuff. This would create a way to spread the word about those who kill without provocation, and it would be kinda cool.

Would also be neat if the bandits could remove the notes from the boards, if they decided to take the time. I'm sure some would actually enjoy the infamy.

I already have a little notepad full of names. Every time someone in global chat mentions a bandit, I write down the name. I know who to shoot on sight. I keep it next to my heart.

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That occurred to me as well. It would be cool if there were notes posted on boards' date=' or carved into fences, the sides of barns or something. "I saw so-and-so shoot a guy in the face. He didn't even ask his name!" Randomly generated stuff. This would create a way to spread the word about those who kill without provocation, and it would be kinda cool.

Would also be neat if the bandits could remove the notes from the boards, if they decided to take the time. I'm sure some would actually enjoy the infamy.

I already have a little notepad full of names. Every time someone in global chat mentions a bandit, I write down the name. I know who to shoot on sight. I keep it next to my heart.


i like it, but only problem with that is people can change their names

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i like it' date=' but only problem with that is people can change their names


Indeed. It's a nice thought, but tying anything to names is a hard sell due to how easy it is to change a profile name, which is why I didn't bring it up in my OP. Too bad there isn't SOMETHING that identifies each player, regardless of their current profile.

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Punishing player killers seems to be going against everything Rocket has said about his intentions for the game. If he had not intended for this to be a valid play style then I'm sure he would not have included it rather than punish people for playing the game.

So, arguing about arbitrary limits is rather pointless as it is unlikely to amount to anything. A better avenue of discussion would be how to make being a non-bandit more attractive. In real life we would have the attraction of not having to wrestle with our guilty conscience, so in place of that there needs to be something. Maybe people with high humanity get their own skin as well? Then you would meet people that you could tell you could trust just by looking at them, similar to how you know you can almost certainly not trust a bandit (both would of course have exceptions).

This would work to balance out the current system without adding any weird nonsense like abilities or spawn penalties/bonuses on top.

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i like it' date=' but only problem with that is people can change their names


Indeed. It's a nice thought, but tying anything to names is a hard sell due to how easy it is to change a profile name, which is why I didn't bring it up in my OP. Too bad there isn't SOMETHING that identifies each player, regardless of their current profile.

there is a game ID, but i think it would be way to hard to identify players with it, unless the server automatically updates that list to their new name

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Punishing player killers seems to be going against everything Rocket has said about his intentions for the game. If he had not intended for this to be a valid play style then I'm sure he would not have included it rather than punish people for playing the game.

So' date=' arguing about arbitrary limits is rather pointless as it is unlikely to amount to anything. A better avenue of discussion would be how to make being a non-bandit more attractive. In real life we would have the attraction of not having to wrestle with our guilty conscience, so in place of that there needs to be something. Maybe people with high humanity get their own skin as well? Then you would meet people that you could tell you could trust just by looking at them, similar to how you know you can almost certainly not trust a bandit (both would of course have exceptions).

This would work to balance out the current system without adding any weird nonsense like abilities or spawn penalties/bonuses on top.


Not a bad idea about a specific "high humanity" skin. However, it would almost be like hanging a bullseye for bandits, who would immediately know that this is a person likely not to shoot first and ask questions later. It would be like the bandit skins, except in reverse.

Like I said, I'm less about punishing evil, more about rewarding the good. There are plenty of benefits and rewards for being an unapologetic murderer. There are almost no benefits to recommend maintaining one's humanity. Maybe reward those with high humanity with much improved kit when they respawn. Don't punish the bandits ... but also don't reward when they die. Not quite heaven and hell, but you get the picture. :)

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