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Have server script logs of the following people cheating :

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That's why the cheat protection is called battleEYE it's only watching but not actually doing anything against hackers

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Just stating the facts. Why do admins constantly say you're hacking?

They say he hacks. They say he cheat. But all that they have a few videos and things.

-i know matt VERY well. He shot me. 2 times. And then we argued. Now we are cool :), from my experiences eith him. No hacks!

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Oh yea admin of uk31 right, well a few days ago i wqs just wandering in the forests, saw a man in ghille and shot him. Didnt die. (with a fal) an he just turned and blasted me in te face. Once i retunred to check on my beloved tents :o they hadnt been touched. All the nvgs everything. 30 mins later bang again. Dead. I suspect hacking NOT SAYING im just warning you of a potentional hacker. Not definatly. Oh yea btw, is that ur camp west of zelengorsk fille with m249 saws? NVGs, etc etc?

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To post his IP would be wrong however I'm well aware he use the EXACT same IP on multiple player ID's. This relates to both 'Matt the bandit' and 'GSQ'.. you know it's true Matt

and further to that you were using GSQ on UK31 last night for quite some time.

Edited by Big Poppa Swan

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No real proof in this video of him actually hacking however I assume these guys are filming after experiencing his hacking already...hence the title.

Also on watching the live streams of PsiSyndicate (Lewis) its clear he relys heavily on your scripting to keep him alive and provide gear, its pretty embarrassing to be honest.

Edited by Big Poppa Swan

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http://www.adrenalin..._2012-07-07.log - Player 'GSQ'

http://www.adrenalin..._2012-07-04.log - Player 'Matt the bandit'

On the above links Ctrl + F for IP address

On the second linnk if you also search Lewis on that page, who is PsiSyndicate it shows they're on the same server, same GUID on these ones also.


On this one Matt the bandit has a different GUID..magical isn't it! same lewis is on this one with same GUID as the other log.

Edited by Big Poppa Swan

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Matt the Bandit (

GUID: 9c8d1caf83c5130a39c60434e12f5be8

Matt the Bandit ( connected

13:13:29 : Player #41 Matt the Bandit - GUID: b0b4ff244d86bcd84635e183281ec260

Same name, Same IP different GUID…. DERP

GSQ ( connected

21:31:49 : Player #7 GSQ - GUID: 9c8d1caf83c5130a39c60434e12f5be8

Different name, same IP same GUID…Bigger Derp!

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No real proof in this video of him actually hacking however I assume these guys are filming after experiencing his hacking already...hence the title.

Also on watching the live streams of PsiSyndicate (Lewis) its clear he relys heavily on your scripting to keep him alive and provide gear, its pretty embarrassing to be honest.

So your video shows no proof. On top of that apparently I "clear[ly] reply" on his scripting? If it's so clear, show a clip of the "clearness" of him scripting. I can't believe you guys are embarrassing yourselves so much. It isn't hard to get some proof, so don't start spouting shit if you don't have proof.

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What i still find odd is how you lewis are here still sticking up for him?? It makes no sense at all if indeed you say he isn't cheating! I mean why waste time on a forum defending someone you know isn't cheating? Just move along, and Matt change ya name, it's the easiest solution man!!

Btw that isn't my camp and no i haven't had a Ghillie suit for weeks, but then again how would you know if it was????.....

And we are in the process of gathering all id's, ip's, links to various hack sites, youtube and other google recommendations of your name and sending it off to the dev team. I don't have to post a damn thing up here for you.....

Edited by sye73

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The only names i have logged on uk31 with is Matt the Bandit and Gandalf the bandit (bit derp u havnt figured out it was me). inb4 magical new logs appear.

I might also add that isnt my IP so feel free to ban it (im still playing uk31 as we speak).




Ontop of that i havnt played with lewis on UK31 apart from as Gandalf the Bandit last night recording a part of Mythbusters.

Edited by MattTheBandit

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What i still find odd is how you lewis are here still sticking up for him?? It makes no sense at all if indeed you say he isn't cheating! I mean why waste time on a forum defending someone you know isn't cheating? Just move along, and Matt change ya name, it's the easiest solution man!!

Btw that isn't my camp and no i haven't had a Ghillie suit for weeks, but then again how would you know if it was????.....

And we are in the process of gathering all id's, ip's, links to various hack sites, youtube and other google recommendations of your name and sending it off to the dev team. I don't have to post a damn thing up here for you.....

I find it kind of funny, it's not like making a post takes longer than 1 minute. But good luck with that one.

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No one said you played with lewis on uk31 you played with him on the adrenaline gaming server that you were banned from...

Edited by Big Poppa Swan

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Fair enough, so you know gandalf the bandit is me but provide no logs? even though thats the name iv been under on ur server for over 24 hours... also swan try not to fall off buildings while following me, its bad for ur health.

TJ_Day.... not everyone called Matt is me.

Also swan what server is it that im supposed to be banned from?

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I'm afraid I've never followed you and never fallen off a building... however thanks for the advice incase I find myself following you and falling off a building.

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TJ_Day you're a fucking idiot... you are the type of person that causes these posts plain and simple.. just go die.

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Fair enough, so you know gandalf the bandit is me but provide no logs? even though thats the name iv been under on ur server for over 24 hours... also swan try not to fall off buildings while following me, its bad for ur health.

TJ_Day.... not everyone called Matt is me.

Also swan what server is it that im supposed to be banned from?

Reasonable doubt.

If you are innocent, we will see.

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