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[X1M] Clan on LU166 Believed Hackers

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We noticed a new clan joining our server so we thought great some new competition.

Yesterday (25th July 6-7pm) and meet up just north of Stary sobor and one of my team mates notices some guy prone in some bushes so he shoots him. It then said that [X1M]Rinos was killed. We go to loot his body and notice that he had a Zombie pilot skin and his gun was a G36 SD. he also had all of the Utility items. (We left everything of his) now there are another 6-8 more of these who play on our server so If one is hacking items then others must be doing it.

Please track these guys down and get them off our server.


[X1M] .

[X1M] Barnabass

[X1M] Noize

[X1M] outside

[X1M] ReName

[X1M] Simon

And of course [X1M]Rinos

There are also more.

Thanks for Reading and I hope you manage to catch them before they do something like nuking the server.

P.S. There has been an increase in hackers on servers this is going to ruin the game before it has even started.

Also during the Heli spawning hacks on LU166 the other day (people have posted threads on this) [X1M] Simon was online during this incident.

Edited by madmansam

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Hey guys,

First of all: X1M sticked together out of 2 Teams from 3 Servers.

Among the allegations: The G36 and the "soldier clothes" we captured in a raid on a different server. We have NEVER spawned a helicopter ,any Weapons or s.th. else and do you not even think that this is probably the last thing we would do on our own server? If you want, we can give you the name of the Server and the coords of the camp we raided per pm. (But i dont know if the camp still exists)

If desired, we will give the logs to the dayz team for checking.

And remember pls. Its not your server, it is ours! One of our Members pays for it and has the Adminrights, so pls dont call it your server pls.

[X1M] Lyn

Edited by Lynn

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Helpful info: Skins that have changed due to a hacker will stay until database cleanup, this is not their fault but sometimes it is caused by them running scripts and not always a hacker but in most cases it's another guy doing it. G36 is not in DayZ and they could of aquired it from a tent, vehicle, another player, their own scripts. Grab SOLID PROOF of this matter and it'll be dealt with.

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The Zombieskin you saw was just at "edit profile -> Face -> Zombie 1/2" together with a captured soldier suite which we found at a camp on another server...nothing else ;)

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Even if that is true. Then you shouldn't be using hacked items or you will get complaints just like this one. And due to the increase in hackers No one will take any chances.

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ok so im one of the members of the squad whos home server WAS LU166 and i was one of the guys who looted the body he did not have the edit profile skin he had an actual Zombie Pilot skin with the helmet and everything and as for the gun ok if he did pick up from a camp well shame on him sinking as low as the hackers because he would have used that weapon. and as for the proof we do not have any as we only wanted to get the hell away from the body and leave the server since it was suspected of hackers.

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Rinos is playing this game for less than a week now. How should he know, that the soldier skin (which has a helmet and looks with the zombie face like a zombie pilot) and the g36 are hacked items? Not everyone knows which weapons/items are existing ingame and which are hacked! And by the way, the G36 SD ist just like the M4A1 Camo SD... Its nearly the same weapon and ya don't get any advantages of it...

In fact we don't cheat/hack. And of course if u want, we can show you the skin, just leave me a PM and we can meet up somewhere/talk in TS...

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well this is the third incident ive had with hackers on LU166 so i will not be joining it ever again

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Rinos is playing this game for less than a week now. How should he know, that the soldier skin (which has a helmet and looks with the zombie face like a zombie pilot) and the g36 are hacked items? Not everyone knows which weapons/items are existing ingame and which are hacked! And by the way, the G36 SD ist just like the M4A1 Camo SD... Its nearly the same weapon and ya don't get any advantages of it...

In fact we don't cheat/hack. And of course if u want, we can show you the skin, just leave me a PM and we can meet up somewhere/talk in TS...

Part of a clan's responsibility is to watch out for things like this. You have failed to avoid the appearance of being hackers. You are sullied in the public eye.

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Part of a clan's responsibility is to watch out for things like this. You have failed to avoid the appearance of being hackers. You are sullied in the public eye.

You couldn't have said it in a better way! Many thanks from my squad!

Angry toilet, Sam, Derpfusions, Kaldar, A suspicious guy, Heidi, Kezzet and Jamie

Edited by madmansam

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I was just killed by an invisible man on LU166, bet it was one of X1M guys aswell. Hope you all burn in hell.

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x1m clan i also play in lu166, i was around with my cz550 and a big blue struck came across. I was just wachting what they are doing and then, booom headshot from an m107.

Where are you from germany ?. I would love to have a talk with you in teamspeak.

can you pm me the teamspeak adress ?



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I was just killed by an invisible man on LU166, bet it was one of X1M guys aswell. Hope you all burn in hell.

Only thing I can say as a member of X1M: We are not hacking or cheating. And if u got shot by an invisible man on this server I bet it was me shooting you with a silenced weapon from behind :P

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Just found this thread. And even if i will make things worse, i will try it.

First of all @madmansam:

It isnt your server. It is mine or at least paid by me. It is a community server. So it is for everyone. No one has more rights on it then the other. Well ok beside me. ;)

And it isnt true that if one does something all of them do the same. Would be the same like saying: If one dog bites you, all doing it. Both is wrong.


I know the Clan you are referring too. At least some of them. If i would catch them cheating, be sure that they will be kicked/banned. So far i have played several hours with them and couldnt find any suspicious behaviour.

They have their camps all around the map like other Clans too i guess. But i cant be there 24/7 naturally.

So if one of these guys used a weapon from another server which was spawned by a hacker it was his own fault, but i think that all of us could have make this fault in the first days of playing. Even me. It is hard to tell which weapon is "real" and which are hacked if you are new to this game.

So take me serious that i would ban any hacker if i have proof of it, even if it is a person which i know.

But the most threads about this kind of reports (even yours sadly) is without any evidence like a video or anything. I cant take anything which is said just to make a decision. Hope you know what i mean by that. That isnt how such things are handled. Just cause one says another one is a cheater doesnt mean that it is true. Dont get me wrong. I dont call you a liar.

I playing games for about 15 years now and i am way older than the average player here i guess. I have no need to support cheater/hacker and never had.

So and btw i have set up a TS server for LU166, where i am around if i am at home or playing.

The adress is, just send me a message if i am afk.

Feel free to connect but beware that my native language is german and my spoken english isnt that well.

I guess the summary of this is: Bring me proof of evidence and i will take actions.

Best regards.

P.S.: And i have no idea how Lynn can say that one of them is paying for this. I am not a member nor will i be one. There is one of them which a granted some rights to start/stop the server cause i cant be around all the time. But thats it. So it isnt theirs also. Like i said above it is for everyone.

Edited by Unknown.User

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