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]TPG[ Total Punishment Gaming - Community Recruitment

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]TPG[ is a casual, community-based gaming clan. We were started as a CS:S and TF2 clan, but we've since evolved and expanded into many other games, including DayZ. Of the games we play, we take DayZ the most seriously. That being said, we're about having a good time and surviving - not about being douches,

We operate US106 (NJ3), a 40-man server based in New Jersey, and there are many members and regs playing throughout the day. While our community hails primarily from the USA's east coast, we have players from Canada, the UK, Malta, Belgium and Australia (and perhaps a couple more I forgot)

We try not to shoot first and we generally respect anyone's coastal declarations of friendly. We like to work as a team to raid towns for gear, find and fix vehicles and the like. Most of our players have 6 or more weeks of experience, but we are happy to welcome anyone regardless of skill, experience or geographic location.

So if you're looking for a group of active, mature, team-centric DayZ players to check out and maybe run with, point your browser to totalpunishmentgaming.com, join US106 (NJ3) ( and hop in our public teamspeak ( to say hello - we'd love to meet you.

If you aren't interested in joining our community, but are looking for a well-administered and constantly patched server I invite you to pop in and give our server a test drive. Our server auto-restarts at 8am/2pm/8pm in order to keep time desync and loot staleness at bay.

If you would like to contact me about this post, or really anything at all, please feel free to do so via pm here (fair play - i check it fairly infrequently) or via steam (where you're much more likely to receive a quick reply).

Edited by ctrl-alt-DESTROY!
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I don't always see the V3s, but when I do, I get run over.

I'm ]TPG[*Dagger and I endorse this.


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I don't always shoot zombies, but when I do, a bandit picks me off.

Will indeed check out the server/community.

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Wow, sounds cool. I happen to be part of a gaming community that has recently gathered about 30 people to play DayZ, a solid 10 of us play nightly. Most of us have the same approach to the game as you outlined, although there are a few that chomp at the bit to go on a killing spree sometimes.... anyway i found our similarities interesting since the gaming community im part of is called TPG (TeamPlayerGaming) (we run no TPG tags as we are all from different clans, TPG hosts our forums and such). Im sure we will be stopping by your server. Might even set up a mission to help new spawns gear up and learn the game there.

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Guys are legit and are pretty fun to be with! :thumbsup:

had fun playing with you; hope you keep logging in (:

just got done a long bus run with a bunch of new folks, including 4 from the uk. gotta love the 4am dedication!

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After reading this post i was happy because i have been looking for a good/friendly server

I logged on

It turned night time in 2 minutes

and now I'm rolling around in the hotel of cherno

because there is nothing to do when it's night time

but i will check the server out tonight when its day time again :D

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After reading this post i was happy because i have been looking for a good/friendly server

I logged on

It turned night time in 2 minutes

and now I'm rolling around in the hotel of cherno

because there is nothing to do when it's night time

but i will check the server out tonight when its day time again :D

we look forward to meeting you!

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I'm on your server now. I'm still pretty new so I won't bother you guys with running me through the ropes, but hopefully i bump into one of you during my adventure!

EDIT: Added you as steam as well, the invite should be from JTM/jordantheman

Edited by JMA

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i added you on steam (alexanderedwards) . one of my friends is in your cs clan and ive always had a good time with you guys so id be very interested!

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I'm on your server now. I'm still pretty new so I won't bother you guys with running me through the ropes, but hopefully i bump into one of you during my adventure!

i'm not sure i got your steam invite as there's none by that name. recheck and resend if need be (:

EDIT: Added you as steam as well, the invite should be from JTM/jordantheman

I'll be joining your server soon. I'm looking for a good server thats not going anywhere for awhile.

got your invite, sorry i didn't add you back in time... but we were quite busy in the server!

hope to see you both soon!

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Our clan has been regularly playing on your US106 server for a week or so now and so far it is great. Our clan tag is [NOOBZ].

We are all friendly survivors (unless someone is shooting at us), so if you guys see us, no fear. If you need any help in game, just let us know.

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We'll try not to bullseye you. Glad to see some other clans hanging around, feel free to link up with us in ts3 if you need anything or want to do any trades.

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Trying to get on right now, long loading screen. Can't wait to eat some beans on a new server.

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