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as50 tws is so gross... can't wait for that to not be a thing that can happen in this game anymore.

Edited by ctrl-alt-DESTROY!
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sent you a steam request. I'd like to join

i accepted. sorry for being offline, but i was damn tired.

i'm at work for the next 6 hours, but hop in teamspeak later on (or now if you want - i just can't guarantee anyone's there) and you can join in on whatever fun we're having.

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to those i told i'd be in game last night, i apologize. shit happens i suppose...

i'll be on all night tonight, so let's do something, eh? perhaps we'll go back to green mountain... who knows. hop in teamspeak starting around 6 pm tonight and we'll get started!

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These guys really cool and friendly. Was playing with them couple weeks ago and it was best my experience in DayZ. Miss this :). Nice job Destroy

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These guys really cool and friendly. Was playing with them couple weeks ago and it was best my experience in DayZ. Miss this :). Nice job Destroy

glad to hear you had a good experience. that's really all we're aiming for (:

we hope you come back to us106 (nj3) as often as you like.

and thanks for the kind words. stay safe!

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glad to hear you had a good experience. that's really all we're aiming for (:

we hope you come back to us106 (nj3) as often as you like.

and thanks for the kind words. stay safe!

Hey Destroy, how is hackers? still messing up your server? It was just frustrating spending couple days to find some gear and loose it because of hackers......

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Hey Destroy, how is hackers? still messing up your server? It was just frustrating spending couple days to find some gear and loose it because of hackers......

we aren't hacker free, that's for sure. but the worst was about a month or so ago. there's almost always an admin online, in game - or at the very least logged into the rcon tool - to deal with any problems.

i look forward to the days where i don't need to fear a mass teleport or an as50 tws just over the next hill... but, for now, i think the hacker problem is much better.

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I tried playing with them, but I was banned.

No doubt from the AS50 TWS in my bag, I didn't hack it, since my pal and I found em on a couple bodies on Stalsticky Island (whatever the name is...), and we kept them.

I'll gladly dump it if I was unbanned in return!

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you were banned partly because of the tws and partly because of a misunderstanding involving three other players hacking within 200 or 300 meters of you...

but i'm glad you were cool about the whole thing and i appreciate the manner in which you approached your appeal.

we look forward to seeing you in the server again, sans hacked weapons ofc (;

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you were banned partly because of the tws and partly because of a misunderstanding involving three other players hacking within 200 or 300 meters of you...

but i'm glad you were cool about the whole thing and i appreciate the manner in which you approached your appeal.

we look forward to seeing you in the server again, sans hacked weapons ofc (;

Thanks! Yeah I dropped the TWS on the ground in some random server, but kept the mags, if someone needs them.

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So you guys don't have a permanent camp set up at Green Mountain?

not as such, no. we don't have the continual presence that would require. lots of us have jobs or are students, etc.

would that we had all the time in the world...

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i will be gone all weekend, but that doesn't mean the rest of the ]TPG[ members and regs won't be playing!

be sure to check out US106 (NJ3) if you're wanting some casual, survival-based dayz experiences.

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a pair with at least one as50 tws stalked and killed most of our group.

not a hacker imo, as they took their time in between each kill. just some people with at least one hacked gun.

Edited by ctrl-alt-DESTROY!

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a pair with at least one as50 tws stalked and killed most of our group.

not a hacker imo, as they took their time in between each kill. just some people with at least one hacked gun.

I think you can ban ppl from server if then have AS50 TWS..... Its just sad that some kids like much ruin somebody fun.... Well one more lesson - never relax in this game.....

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