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]TPG[ Total Punishment Gaming - Community Recruitment

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Thinking about hopping on thr server tonight. I need some one to give me a transfusion. I have all the medical supplies to get healed. Pm me if you can help. Most people that I run into kill me.

if we're able to set up a meeting - location dependent - i guarantee your safety 100%. hop in our teamspeak server and we'll see what we can do!

Sounds very interesting, will join today

i see you've already joined ts and are in server with us. that's awesome to see!

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Going to join your TS, and Server today! Hoping to find a good group of people to run with! :D

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I recently played with these guys. These are the kind of people who you would want to surround yourself in a zombie apocalypse. They are helpful and fun. I can't wait to keep playing with them.

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what a crazy weekend...

hackers, heli rides, heli crashes (two of 'em! and three of us survived one :o ) and lots more hot post-apocalyptic emergent-gameplay action.

thanks to those who took part and helped make it an awesome time!

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we spent a lot of the weekend looking to get hero skins, getting sniped on the coast and fixing up the heli (three or four times - with mixed results).

if you're looking for a survival-oriented group, give US106 (NJ3) a join!

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I was wondering if one of you guys can give me a blood transfusion im in electro, and i have run into your group before let me know if you can help.

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I was wondering if one of you guys can give me a blood transfusion im in electro, and i have run into your group before let me know if you can help.

i know it's not much, but if you're still stuck in electro later this afternoon/evening, let me know. we'll come help you out.

sorry it can't be sooner!

stay safe (:

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First post is a load of bullshit

Your clan shoots on sight no matter who you see on the coast

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Awesome group of players! I joined them in vehicle hunting last night, and by the end of the night we had a big convoy of vehicles heading to their camp. Playing with these guys was the most fun I've had in DayZ in a while.

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First post is a load of bullshit

Your clan shoots on sight no matter who you see on the coast

that's not at all true. sure, mistakes have been made - one of our own got accidentally shot on the coast just last night - but we're not out for blood on the coast.

do we sometimes go looking to pvp? yes. was i on top of a building in cherno today, getting shot at and choose to hunt and kill the people shooting at me and my partner? yes. but i also ran into and helped four random people today alone.

can you be more specific about 1) what happened 2) where it happened and 3) who it was that did it? at least be specific when you're making accusations (:

Edited by ctrl-alt-DESTROY!

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that's not at all true. sure, mistakes have been made - one of our own got accidentally shot on the coast just last night - but we're not out for blood on the coast.

do we sometimes go looking to pvp? yes. was i on top of a building in cherno today, getting shot at and choose to hunt and kill the people shooting at me and my partner? yes. but i also ran into and helped four random people today alone.

can you be more specific about 1) what happened 2) where it happened and 3) who it was that did it? at least be specific when you're making accusations (:

I was in cherno when I see one of your members running past me. It was either hutchison or some dude that starts with a D. I try to establish voice communication. He stays silent and keeps running. About 5 minutes later I see him again being chased by zombies. I ask if he needs help and he stops and shoots at me with an enfield. I run away. Literally a minute after that I am exiting cherno and the dude shoots me down.

Bullshit that was no mistake, he tracked me down to kill me, presumable for my ak.

I was in the survivor skin BTW

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hutchison and JDX are always friendly first, so i'm not sure what happened there... i'll ask them and see what happened. in the meantime, let me apologize for your getting shot for no apparent reason. what's your ingame name?

but you should hop in teamspeak next time. we definitely don't shoot people who are in teamspeak with us.

if you - or anyone else reading this - is on the server right now, we're currently holding a fortified Green Mouintain, and are offering help to survivors or those looking to trade. bandits welcome, but keep those weapons lowered...

Edited by ctrl-alt-DESTROY!

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