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Items Disappeared?

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I've been playing for god knows how long and finally found a decent set of weapons. I aborted the game shortly after to make something to eat. I come back and a lot of my stuff is gone. Why is that? Is there a fix?

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Same thing happened to me once.

Picked up an M9-SD and some ammo, found a safe place to find a daytime server, disconnected, and when I came back it was gone.

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Same thing happened to me once.

Picked up an M9-SD and some ammo, found a safe place to find a daytime server, disconnected, and when I came back it was gone.

I had a FN FAL NVG scope and a Silenced smg. I swapped the FN FAL NVG for a M14 and some ammo for it. Aborted, came back, had the FN FAL NVG and the ammo for the M14, but no M14. :/

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Yeah, anyone who has played DayZ for a good amount of time has had this happen to them. I've lost Alice Packs, FALs, Crossbows, etc.

DayZ is in Alpha, it's going to happen.

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