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26/07/2012 Bad version, server rejected connection

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Hi there, I was playing Dayz last night and it worked fine, I logged on via SL6 today and every server I try too connect too says " Bad version, server rejected connection ".

Ive read a few previous posts about this problem, was there an update overnight or something?

Any help greatly appreciated,


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have you updated your BETA patch ? also which patch you running(beta), filter your server list by the latest beta patch, and try the latest ones if you have the recent update.

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How do I find out that Info which patch im running and how to update if nessesary?

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have you updated your BETA patch ? also which patch you running(beta), filter your server list by the latest beta patch, and try the latest ones if you have the recent update.

Im running 1.62, thats all i know, steam updated it for me yesterday, does that help at all?

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just use the dayz commander http://www.dayzcommander.com/ once installed go to the versions tab near the top. and click on check now, you will most likely see your arma 2 patch is outdated and you should just download and update it to the latest patch. Some servers will still run on the patches aside from the newest one. but save yourself a headache and grab the latest arma2 patch

latest arma2 client patch is currently 95389

Edited by Rokochan

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I tried your method Rokochan. It didn't work. I'm still getting kicked off from servers.

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