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my encounter with another survivor

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So im dead, it all started as i worked my way around and into an airbase for the first time! I came across a building that i could access, i walked inside closed the door. I managed to pick up a mag for a gun, and proceeded up the stairs where i got my hands on a gun, ak47 i believe. I get to the to the top of the lookout tower where there was another gun, a lee enfield and various other items, smoke grenade chem light etc.

I look out and admire the view to see a guy being chased by zombies, he made his way to where i was by climbing a ladder on the front of the building. I thought it was safe, only to watch 6/7 zombies climb a ladder?? I thought zombies were beings devoid of any intelligence at all! Yet they managed to climb the ladder, so i emptied my clips into the zombies and killed them all. Only for the survivor i saved to run inside the building grab the lee enfield and gun me me down! lol

I then respawned right next to some zombies on the coast, i ran to the sea they followed me swam towards me and killed me!

So zombies can climb ladders and swim, what next?

On a side note i am loving this game :)

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i know whats next. zombies are actually ghosts too, they can also walk through walls and any materials, just wait and see ;) also they cant run inside buildings :o!

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eeeexactly.. it's amazing how much these damn things can do even though their higher brainfunctions have already shut down.. the first time I ran away from zombies in to the ocean and looked behind me I said "oh for fu.. you GOTTA be kidding me" to myself while watching 4 zombies swim after me.. I mean I can understand RUNNING, running zombies seem to be so IN and fashionable these days (I prefer the original concept of a clumsy slow zombie that required a clean headshot to take it down), but swimming and climbing zombies? ..next they will prolly learn to drive cars and handle crude weapons.

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eeeexactly.. it's amazing how much these damn things can do even though their higher brainfunctions have already shut down.. the first time I ran away from zombies in to the ocean and looked behind me I said "oh for fu.. you GOTTA be kidding me" to myself while watching 4 zombies swim after me.. I mean I can understand RUNNING, running zombies seem to be so IN and fashionable these days (I prefer the original concept of a clumsy slow zombie that required a clean headshot to take it down), but swimming and climbing zombies? ..next they will prolly learn to drive cars and handle crude weapons.

lol i think we are doomed when that happens!!

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yeah im really enjoying it, just wish i hadnt of died so soon after getting a gun.

im going to be put off helping others from now on, im going to be cautious.

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