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Time from hunger meter flashing to loss of blood.

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So yesterday as I was looking around for some vehicles I noticed my hunger meter was flashing so I went into some trees to chop some wood, to my surprise my hatchet was gone. I don't know how I could've lost it but that's beside the point right now, I'm rather close to a town with a supermarket right now and instead of waiting for my friend to get online I'm thinking of just booking it into town and grabbing a can of food. What I need to know is how long before I start to lose blood? I heard it's 15 mins after the meter starts flashing but I'm not completely sure and this is the life of my most well geared character we're talking about here. All I'd like is some clarification. Thanks!

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It's another "cycle" so as long as it takes to go from dark red to flashing is the same amount of time it takes to go from flashing to deadly.

15 minutes sounds long to me, personally. I think it's closer to 10.

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