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Water ways

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Altering the map and adding water ways would be an great way of traveling through the map, adding bridges to cross these canals would make excellent spots for clans to setup ambushes, and at the same time will allow for players to travel in a more effective manner oppsed to walking.

Since boats are very limited to where they can go, adding a water way would enable players to go in the deep north in no time, and once they are at they're destination would be forced to ditch the water craft, leaving it for someone else to find.

Players would also be able to hold out certain water ways, and islands may even be added with high loot on them, but having only one bridge to access the loot renders this area very hostile.

I think its a perfect way to spice up this game, and will add alot more scenarios for players to deal with.

I know this would call for a HUGE change and there is already enough for rocket and his team to work on, but the game play would be enhanced.

Please leave your opinions on this suggestion, thanks.

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Wouldnt this require a new map made and edited and then installed into EVERY SERVER?(current and future)

The logistics of such a task seem unattainable.

Though the idea seems fun and fairly cool...

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yeh, i noticed after this post that the map is from arma2, i thought they created it with the mod. but would be a good idea if they do a stand alone version with their own map

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It is fairly likely (in my views) that this game will eventually have a different (if not alot) of maps, will rivers be in them, well i'dd say fairly likely since i think you are the 2nd thread about rivers i seen today ;)

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Yea, something like rivers could be awesome, but map should get bigger then.

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rivers could be cool because if you saw a boat you could track it (whereas a car can go anywhere)

or maybe there could be big bends in the rvier where you could try and run across to intercept it

would be fun

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Shouldn't be so hard to do map changes considering he is a BI employee... On the other hand buildings and stuff are more easily placed right now :)

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Probably won't happen until it goes standalone on RV4 - Would be cool though

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Im looking forward to this game, there are alot of suggestions in this forum, if picked the right ones and balance it a bit, would make the perfect game...

Good suggestion btw.

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