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How to open my tin of beans

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Okay, I've thought about this for the past 5 minutes.

How the hell do I open my tin of beans? I honestly and truely think a tin opener should be implemented. A hunting knife is obviously too messy to open a tin, and I doubt the average Heinz Beans Tin has an opening device that can be operated by your finger (like a tin of cat food).

So, I put forward my idea.

Tin openers.

You kill other players for their tin opener (since you can't open yours). I think this would add a whole new element of play to the game (perhaps even implement a tin opening minigame, or perhaps a tin opener durability. Imagine that, half-way through opening a tin of beans and it breaks. What do you do. Cry? Get eaten? Starve? Who knows.)

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And you can open a tin of beans with a knife if you want to..

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But you need to find the knife first.

So what will it be. The tin opener or a knife? :o

Plus the knife has the risk of creating a high risk sharp object, where you may cut yourself and bleed to death.

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I think most cans have tabs to pull nowadays. Also you can just stab the lid with a knife if you want to. Or like.. grab a rock if you don't have one.

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The knife has a chance of... creating a sharp object? It's a sodding KNIFE.

Seriously, though, I think it's possible to take realism a bit too far. Imagine a pull-tab, if it helps. If we start having to scavenge for can openers, then the 'realism' crowd will say "Why can't I just shoot the can" or whatever.

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