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New to DayZ -- Can't find any weapons

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Thank, Stiffy. I will look into this thing of which you speak - skype. Seems very popular these days, so will go check it out. Ta.

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Proven, thanks for the advice but the shipyards? I've died there today and the zombies followed me when I ran into the water and still followed me on and on. After that I was chased around the forests for ten minutes and they just would not give up no matter how I zigged and zagged and how many fir trees I got between themand me. What am I doing wrong do you think? Thanks :)

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Hey, if you got Skype we could talk and I can help ya'll out. Ya' up for it? (Holy shit you're 46, this gonna be awesome.)

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Well, the learning curve is pretty hard, get someone to play to play with and you will learn fast :)

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