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New to DayZ -- Can't find any weapons

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Hello all -- New to DayZ and so far, I find it very atmospheric with a lot of potential. The sad thing is, I read several newbie guides but they all say you start with a pistol. No matter what I do, I can't find any weapons in my inventory. Instead, I wandered around for two hours looking for weapons in the dark, only finding tin cans. After dying several times, I just logged out and gave up.

What am I missing here? Why are the weapons? How can I REALLY get started with this game?

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Starting with a pistol was removed. It made newplayer PVP too common.

Also, you can find weapons inside buildings. Learn to orient yourself in the game and coordinate your way to Elektro by using dayzmap.info

You're bound to found weapons there. Meanwhile just sneak. Crawl as much as possible when zombies are near.

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There's a ton of material on these forums for new players, start with the new players forum.

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the starting pistol got removed in a recent patch. You can commonly find shotguns in Barns, and if you look around a bit you will find pistols in houses. In the Fire stations there are AKs & co. I'd also recommend you search for a server where its day time, so it's not so hard to see things.

EDIT: too slow D:

Edited by LoL4Ever

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Detta is pretty accurate but I would try to sway you from going to Elektro unless you're very very very good with a gun. It's pretty much deathmatch heaven even if people don't need anything. Any house you can enter has the potential of spawning equipment like a compass, map, food, or weapons like the double barrel or Winchester. Schoolhouses and market places can spawn tons of good equipment, pistols, weapons, and camping stuff! Then when you get a hang of the game military locations like tents in Stary, Hunting Stands, firehouses, and military barracks at the airfields spawn military weapons like M4s, MP5s, sniper rifles, grenades, ect.

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Strange -- All the houses and barns I saw, just had junk. Also the houses, all the doors were closed and I couldn't enter anywhere...

Thanks for all the help and I will keep searching.

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Some houses are closed, some are not.

After some playing, you'll learn to separate what's what. Just take a peek in the windows. If you see interior, there's an entrance. Also, you could try approaching the main cities at low pop servers, less risk to yourself.

Dying about 50 times the first weeks comes with the game pal :)

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You are all very helpful! I am checking out the map website as well.

If I am not mistaken, the map is HUGE -- right?

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You are all very helpful! I am checking out the map website as well.

If I am not mistaken, the map is HUGE -- right?

225 km2

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Why did you leave out the Balota airstrip? That's a decent newbie target.

It is often camped. It's high value but high risk. My advice gets you off the coast ASAP and inland to less frequented areas.

It might take you longer to find a weapon, but I have died many times at the airstrip or medical tents so unless I'm playing "throw away" style, I avoid that area.

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It is often camped. It's high value but high risk. My advice gets you off the coast ASAP and inland to less frequented areas.

It might take you longer to find a weapon, but I have died many times at the airstrip or medical tents so unless I'm playing "throw away" style, I avoid that area.

A better plan would be to go to the airstrip and carefully scout for other players. If they look threatening, just don't go there. If there's no-one there, an easy start could be waiting.

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Thank you all -- This gives me a great start. I can't wait for the interface and server browser to be a little more polished :)

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I have been wandering out in some forest for 30+ mins. Can't find any landmarks. Don't know which direction I am even heading anymore.. a bit frustrated.

Is there any way to "reset" my location?

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ts.pa-rp.com Join that TS; We'll meet up and play some :) I'll show ya' around.

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Oh just be noted; I'm apart of a larger group so if you stick with us you'll have shelter, car, and lots of medicine / guns.

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I couldn't even tell you where I am though... I am in the middle of a bunch of trees with orange leaves. Getting tired of holding down "W".. :)

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Doesn't matter mate, I'll find ya'. I'm a tracker for the group ;) Now join the TS under your name and we'll find out something.

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I'm another newbie, day 2 of playing. I got my hands on a gun and ammo but despite following the guides I've read I couldn't get it to load and a zombie got me. Fantastic, I love it! What drives me nuts is how the ai reads my mind. All I wanted was food or water, not even a weapon and in 2 days I found only one can of soda, and no food. It's reading my mind!

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Stiffy, I can't seem to get away from the zombies long enough so they lose interest. As you seem helpful, do you have any advice on what to do if being chased and getting tired and thirsty but can't find a building with 2 entrances so you can run in one, slow down the zombies and run out the other? Naturally, I have no weapons, nothing and have just respawned. Cheers. :D

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Well, if you join the TS I'll be able to help you out.

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Game needs to start you out with some weapon... I got to a town finally. Searched several houses, zero weapons, died. Rinse/repeat.

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Myself as a new player i can really suggest you guys to stay patient.

SNEAK into a city/village and loot the open buildings. By sneaking i mean crouch and prone, NEVER, never ever sprint! except in the deep forests!

If a Zed aggro you near the coast, try to find a dock(shipyard) and they will stop cause they seem to be unable to access these objects.

Another way to lose aggro is running around objects, esspeciall 2 sides buildings or fir trees. If Zeds lose Line of sight they stop chasing.

I strongly recommend you guys to get on TS with expecrienced people or at least watch youtube videos. There are some really nice guides.

Edited by proven
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