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Damaged loot, may reduce sensless murders...

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I would like to see loot getting damaged when hit by bullets.

Not sure if this was posted already, I searched and couldnt find it.. if im wrong just let me know.

Any way I think bandits would be more likely to rob people at gun point rather than simply killing people if the loot were to be damaged from their rounds. That or they will take very selective shots, head shots, to avoid damaging loot.

This adds to the authenticity of the game, and kind of addresses the random murders many of us have experienced, without "punishing" bandits or survivors, as that would be contradictory to the game itself.

Shit just found one.. http://dayzmod.com/f..._+damaged +loot


Edited by gr33nth1ng

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i never loot ppl. i also dont come closer than 2 km to the coast. maybe thats why i have 100+ scalps on my debug and 3 weeks+ alive char.

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Most of the time, i see Bandits kill just to Kill, and most of the time their loot is 100% better. Sometimes people kill north just for WATER/FOOD/Bloodpact/Steaks/Morphine. (that anyone that is north should always have good supply of on them)

So if you get killed, try runing back to ur body, most of the time all ur loot will be still their.

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I think Guns and tools such as the entrenching tool, matches, hatchet should all have durability/quantity Kinda of like the fallout mechanic where with usethey becomes unuseable from rust ect. Maybe find Gun cleaning kits in order to prolong the use of your firearm.

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Holding them at gunpoint is pointless in a game where you can disconnect as soon as you hear another player.

A good idea if you fix disconnecting to avoid death first.

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Just random, but the idea I had, and I'm sure many others have had too, is to have definitive rolls set out for each player each with their own set of perks.

For instance, a 'doctor' survivor can bandage, heal broken bones and give blood to any other player without having to have those loot. Or an "ex marine" can provide ammo.. those sorts of things.

This is one way that may hinder instant killing, perhaps, just a bit. I'm not one for limiting the pvp killing because I think that's what makes this game great - the unknown. However, there are certain things that could make more choices which I feel are more important than limitations.

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i never loot ppl. i also dont come closer than 2 km to the coast. maybe thats why i have 100+ scalps on my debug and 3 weeks+ alive char.


or you never log on for more than 1hr and spend days offline.

or you alt tab every time your fired upon

or you play on a server using 3rd on

or crosshair on

or tags on

or all the above

or you server hop to get kills or loot

but I'm sure you don't do any of those nasty things and your just an fantastic player... Right ?

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