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I'm Looking for UK or Europe Players and DayZ Youtubers!

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Hey! I started this post because I'm alone in the wasteland and I keep on getting killed...

I'm looking for mature players who don't like getting shot in the back and are up for a adventure.

I'm Asegagi , I'm 16 and I'm a mature player, I understand how much people hate little cod

children getting on these games...

If you want to help me out and play with me and go on a adventure with me then

just leave your name,skype (oh yeah you must have skype), age and steam.

I'm looking for experienced players so not noobs and kids who bearly played this game,

I've been playing it for about 2 weeks so I know a thing or two about this game, although it's

not always easy on your own, things like blood transfusions etc...

Maybe if I meet a bunch of people I might even start a clan who knows.

Anyway I'm also looking for YOUTUBERS! So if you have a Mic and Skype

and record DayZ as well as me I'm more happy if you join me!

Here is my youtube


I like playing on european servers usually with GTM-8 set on them!

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heya im jake ,23,manchester , uk , my steam is jakeyboybaby , my skype is jhackney11

ive been playing for about 2 weeks im not an expert but i know my way around some parts of the map , im tired of getting shot in the back

message me if you are interested

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hi im Edgar,16,UK,my steam is MrEdgarr and my skype is dulis222

ive been playing like 2 days but know what to do,because i was watching many letsplays of dayz,i want to team up because im getting loneley when walking around towns full of zeds and i need to someone to watch my six

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hey im tom aged 16, add me on skype!

skype: toooommmyyy

steam: toooommmyyyy

been playing for about a month now and know my way about the game :)

Edited by toooommmyyy

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I didn't get so many replies so fast! I'll add you all in abit atm I'm playing BF3!

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Im also looking for mature people to play with that i can trust, im 22 and from Sweden, so there shouldn't be any problems connecting to a UK server for me.

Steam :badjoe7

Skype: badjoe117 (Im still waiting for my headset so it will probably be a week until i can speak on there)

Youtube: Badjoe117(just a couple of DayZ test clips and some mixed stuff)

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How can you be experienced and good at the game if you have been playing for two weeks now and all you've done is die in wastelands?

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All my info should be in my signature, PM me if you have any questions.

Been semi-successful in this game. Haven't ventured to the airfield yet, mostly survived in the wilderness. Still, I'm nowhere near a noob.

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