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Looking for usa player w/ skype

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lost all my gear last night to a bandit pack, starting over im currently in balota, anyone in middle / eastern US looking for a looting partner send me a pm

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I'm US West/East Player; starting over right now as well!

Skype: Laeins

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skype = daniel slidders (picture of the cat) i have a team of 3 alrdy all us east players we currently have a small camp that could gear u all if anyone is intrested and willing to pass some trust exerciese so u dont steal all our stuff with ur friends then yea u can join us

Edited by Inqnctrl

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Hey guys my name is the same on Skype and steam if your looking for another player. I'm central time zone. Play mostly morning-afternoon (about now) and nights. Hit me up if you want one more

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