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Oh dear, Karma

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Well, earlier today, I went on a low pop server and spawned in elektro, so i was running around, found weapons, loot and gear, and i see a guy run into the church, so I fire at him (yes, Ive become evil...sometimes, but mostly paranoid) but anyway, I miss by an inch and he unloads onto me clips of makarovs (WORST PISTOL EVER) does no damage to me, so He's chasing me, I'm running, i get into the fire house and camp the stairs, meanwhile hes on the roof and shoots at me, so I say Truce? and he went Ha?

So, He continues firing at me, I run down the stairs and all of a sudden i hear screams and then it says Esse has died.

I started LAUGHING so hard, he pulled like 10 zombies onto him, and he was geared to the max, i killed the zombies, got his loot, Alice pack filled with medical supplies, and went on my way...still laughing.

Anyway, Im in a building, i hear shots and see a guy in the church, so I'm wary and then I do something stupid, Sit in plain site in the building changing mags to revolver rounds, when i turn around...BAM shot in the face like 10 times and I died...

Damn Karma!

So, I logged off, spent time with me mum, then went on another server, and found a dead body with a CZ 550 and 3 rounds, along with 6 mags of Lee Einfield and medical supplies, so I logged off there, hehe.

What are your karma stories?

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My story is that karma does not work in this game. Helped a few dudes, got shot by a sniper. Killed people without them seeing me, got awesome weapons.

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My story is that karma does not work in this game. Helped a few dudes, got shot by a sniper. Killed people without them seeing me, got awesome weapons.

Yeah, I had an experience like that, Gave a guy a blood transfusion in Cherno, we went our separate ways and i see a dead body, I go to loot it, BAM, sniped -_-

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Haven't killed a single person and I've had plently of chances. Nothing bad has happened...yet.

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Cool story. However I agree karma does not exsist in this game. More like you made a bad choice to reload at that time. I usually die when I make bad choices too, like run in an open field and get killed by a sniper that can aim.

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My story is that one day I shot an unarmed guy in Balota.

He went prone, cryng "don't shoot please im unarmed", so I decided to go there and bandage his wounds.

While he was typing "TY", I headshotted him.


Karma doesn't work in this game and neither in real life. I'm not a bad person in real life because I believe in respect, but this is a game and i love to ROTFL

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