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DE7 Cheaters

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On DE7 is a possible cheater camp, there's basically every single car in the game in krutoy cap right next to the lighthouse with about 100 tank traps and wire fences around it, the guys camping it are using what looked like an AS50 TWS over distance and none of the cars is beeing used the just camp the spot and seem to have an infinite supply of tank traps and wire fences (not in the cars and tents, we checked multiple times)

After we went in for the last time yesterday I shot one of the guys in the face 3 times with my m14 AIM, he didn't care and just oneshotted me with his as50.

afterwards my mate shot him again, then took cover behind a rock suddenly a player teleports behind him with an m4a1 cco sd.

There's basically no way they were not cheating, the teleporting guy at the end settled it.

Seems like there is a second camp near Kamenka on this server which appears to be legit, but those guys at krutoy cap are blatent hackers.

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Hello Stan

I know of the camp you are on about and i can reassure you there has been no cheating done to create it.

All the vehicles were legitimately found and the tents are currently broken and duplicate.

We created this camp to create some conflict on the server, rather than the occasional incursion. Trying to encourage people to try and steal and attack the fortress.

Thank you for letting me know of your issue and once again i can reassure you that camp is 100% Legitimate.

We are very strict on hacking/Alt-f4/ghosting in DE7 and meet every one of them with serious consequences.

Many Thanks

Throbin, DE7 Owner.

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I'm not an admin for DE7 but I play there often and can confirm that this camp is legitimate, despite the crazy number of constructions.

The biggest issue is that tents have been broken for the last few weeks and either don't save any item, or duplicate items; when items are taken out, they reappear at the next server restart. It's the same for constructions like barbed wire, sandbags and tank traps which constantly reappear after they have been removed. Because most servers reboot every 6-8 hours this has become a bit of a problem.

This was also discussed by Rocket in a recent CODanonymous interview. Click here to see the relevant section: http://youtu.be/6BlHvh0JVuk#t=16m10s

When I saw this camp my first though was not "hackers". It was "damn, they've been really, really busy" ;)

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