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Looking for a clan or squad.

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Hi my name is Maxx and I am looking to join a somewhat established squad or clan. I have had this game for almost a month now and have had many great lived lives with some real life friends. We have journied throughout the whole map hitting up almost every town in the game. So map knowledge is not a problem. The reason i am looking for a new squad is because i want a feeling of more seriousness and not just casual play. Don't get me wrong i still want to play this game for fun. I am 15 years old and mature. I live in Sweden currently and come from the US. If there is any other information need dont be afraid to ask! =P

Willing to take any position needed.

I have Teamspeak and its easy enough for me to download vent or mumble.

Can also livestream if needed XD

Skype and Steam are : Gobigorgoprone

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I have a Mumble server and established clan. Currently we have about 15 active players with DayZ. We're always welcoming to new players but it make take a bit of time to completely earn our trust (as with most groups welcoming outsiders). Mumble info is here: http://www.reactionaryrebels.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=305

Also, feel free to add me on Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/stings2pee


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