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Remove the flies or ... (suggestion in thread)

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Hello. If the "X was killed" notification gets removed from the bottom left corner I would like the sound of flies to go as well. Why? I'd like the possibility to fake my death and surprise my attacker. If there is no sound of flies and the attacker is not mentally challanged he will know that I am still alive.

What if the sound of flies start ~10 minutes after death instead of instantly?

This is ofc not even relevant if the notification in the bottom left corner doesnt get removed but I am assuming it will be removed eventually since this is a game about realism.

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I doubt the fly sounds will ever go. This seems a rather silly request honestly.

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I tend to ensure the dead'ness of someone I shot by either putting a few more holes into them or by axing them a few questions.

Pretending to be dead in the game where you cant check for pulse/see where exactly the bullet wounds would probably only fool newbs or idiots.

But i would like to have flies only appear after a few minutes instead of instantly arriving as soon as someone bites the dust.

Edited by Golgo82

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I doubt the fly sounds will ever go. This seems a rather silly request honestly.


Besides you do realize it is possible to "feign your death" even if there is no fly sounds because you body doesn't instantly rot and swarm with flies upon death, right?

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