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Hacked Gun and Red beret camo.

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This guy was randomly following me with a flash light while i was heading to a castle. It was night and i had NVG's i noticed his flash light behind me about 60m, i have a L85 Thermal, first thing i did was hide behind a tree lean and aim to see him with my thermals. i noticed his odd gear and odd gun in his hand which made it clear he was a hacker so i put two rounds in to his head. i took these screen shots and hid the body without taking anything :) please some one get rid of these pricks.



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your lucky he wasn't using wallhacks and a thermal as 50, otherwise that story could have gone the other way :)

good job on killing a noob hacker though :)

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He is not necessarily a hacker, I found random NPCs (I call them NPCs because I walked face to face to them and killed them with an axe). I'm not a hacker, I just got lucky.

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There are too many hackers last days. Yesterday i killed guy with PDW SD. But moderators in Russian sector are too lazy even to look through logs. proof:


Edited by aeterna

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There are too many hackers last days. Yesterday i killed guy with PDW SD. But moderators in Russian sector are too lazy even to look through logs. proofpic:0c735a7f3d8f7ef3598441cca49ff857.jpg

Its not easy to enforce database bans with just screenshot proof, or video proof of someone killing someone else with a weapon that isnt in the mod.

A hacker could easily have spawned that gun on an innocent person, or changed someones camo. In order to enforce a database ban, you need logs of that person enforcing a script, or video proof of someone (with nametags) spawning vehicles or items.

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