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Swordfish (DayZ)

Zombies have more health after latest update 1.65.95312?

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After getting the newest update suddenly it takes three chest shots to kill a zombie with my M1911. Is it just me or did they increase how many bullets a zombie can take before dying?

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It could be, simply because the zombies are modified animals from Arma.

Has anyone gone into vanilla Arma and shot up some pigs?

I think it's some kind of change in the side arm physics/ballistics.

I just can't see a damned thing in the notes.

The only way this could be Dayz is if there was a stealth server update.

Given the near-uniformity of the reports, no way. Unless they have super heroically streamlined the server update process.

So, I blame a stealth change by the folks at BI.

Edited by Disgraced

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Well hopefully they buff them in the next dayz patch

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No, from all accounts it seems they have Nerfed the Revolver and M1911 because the rifles seem to still do the same damage, but yes it is rather unbalanced at this point in time

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it isnt the zombies.. the latest arma 2 patch nerfed the pistols.. that's why this is happening

WHAT. My sexy 1911 doesn't one hit them anymore? ;_;

Do you know if any secondary one or two hits zombies?

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WHAT. My sexy 1911 doesn't one hit them anymore? ;_;

Do you know if any secondary one or two hits zombies?

Use the revolver :D

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good change. no one took any other pistols before the patch, but now they actually might. still, i think the ammo spread needs to be balanced a bit more. m1911 and revolver ammo is still by far the most plentiful pistol ammo.

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Use the revolver :D

No, same thing happened to me with revolver yesterday.

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Its actually a good change if it's not a bug. People may consider other sidearms although ammo for 1911/revolver is still way too common.

People who don't consider an M9 SD the best pistol probably can't aim very well.

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oO sadly i didn't make a screenshot but before i died i had 97 zombiekills with 92 headshots...who the hell aims for the body in a zombie game ^^

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good change. no one took any other pistols before the patch, but now they actually might. still, i think the ammo spread needs to be balanced a bit more. m1911 and revolver ammo is still by far the most plentiful pistol ammo.

What? The other pistols where plenty used... except for the M9

The Glock was a great pistol, good sights and flash light build in, M9SD was a nice quiet sidarm to have and I saw plenty of people enjoying the full auto of the PDW.

Personally I think they where balanced just fine, except the M9 which had nothing going for it.

Edited by Izithel

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The revolver also isn't one shot anymore. My friend has one and it's at least two possibly three. That was testing chest shots.

Edited by Swordfish

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People who don't consider an M9 SD the best pistol probably can't aim very well.

oO sadly i didn't make a screenshot but before i died i had 97 zombiekills with 92 headshots...who the hell aims for the body in a zombie game ^^

Some of us have shitty computers/graphics cards... which throws a wrench into the situation all together.

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