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Zombies having spaz attacks

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Date/Time: 11:00PM 7/25/2012 (But it happens whenever)

What happened: Zombies have spaz attacks/jitter in their (attack?) animation. Lots of the time they end up standing stationary yet attacking thin air and moving very sporadically. This not only makes them very hard to shoot, but sometimes when i do shoot them with more than enough firepower (like say 3 CZ550 shots to the chest and/or head) they aren't affected and continue on spazzing out. If i put enough range between myself and the zombie they return to being a normal zombie and chase me.

The big complaint here is the sporadic jittering and how sometimes bullets aren't registering as hitting the zombie then it is going into its jitter fit.

Where you were: Anywhere with zombies

What you were doing: Shooting zombies

*Current installed version:

*Server(s) you were on: Any server, US Chicago 116 for example

*Your system specs:

Intel i7 2600k @ 3.8GHZ

8GB DDR3 @ 1600

Galaxy GTX 465

Windows 7 Professional 64-bit

*Timeline of events before/after error: (see above)

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