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How Sund/Audibility works?

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Has anyone got any sites with info on how sound works in the game, ie, when i'm crawling obviously i hear leaves russtling, or if i'm on tarmac scrunch noises. Whats the audibility, how close does an Opfor have to be to heaR me, likewise with runnining/crouch walking. TIA

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I can't give you any sites, but how close another player can hear you really depends on what sound device their using. If its a headset or headphones of some kind, they will have a advantage over speakers, my guess while crouching 10-20 metres and running anywhere above 20. Crawling in grass or on tarmac would only be a couple of metres.

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If you're sprinting.. chances are you're going to be heard very easily.

If you plan to not be heard easily, crouching and going prone are your best bet. You make more noise on various surfaces like you mentioned, the road being louder than the grass for example. The indicator to the right side of you screen (the ear symbol) will show you how much noise you're making, the more lines the more noise. Play around with it a little and test the ranges with zombies to see how really audible you are.

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Thank, I just have been hearing stories about people crawling up on snipers and taking their guns from their backpacks and killing them.Surely i thought they would be heard at that distance..

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