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My Ideas

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1- 2 way radios / walkie talkies: so that you could communicate long range with friends or other players, also in terms of the walkie talkies batteries would need to be added so wasnt allows on.

2- detachable scopes or suppressors/silencers, which would only work on certain types of guns. Kinda like Jagged alliance/Stalker type modes. suppose there is a lighty chase of find one of these items not attacked to a gun, even if you need a tool to attack it or something, or some way to zero the scope once attached just to make it realsitic or something.

3- more customization for the player- clothing and maybe a way to show your intent ( for example a medic's badge if you want to player as a medic, ofc ppl would abuse this to get close and kill but thats human nature) not worried about what your face looks like or anything, but maybe change the random starting gear clothing wise, you may be lucky enough not to start with rags, and clothing may be use to get your body temp up or protect you sightly more from zombie attacks

4- pen/paper/note books/chalk : I know ppl have already posted about these but would be cool to leave messages and maybe if you returned to the location of the note you could actually gain a friend through this correspondence who knows.

5- more ammo types: HP and AP, not that it would make much difference to killing zombies but could save your ammo on a human, one hp run make the player bleed more, or sightly more dmg than a normal round/bullet.

Apologize if some or most of these have be posted before.

Any constructive replies would be appreciated ;)

Regards Karlash

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I like the note type thing and most people use Skype or Teamspeak if they are in a group so i see no need for walkie talkies and i would like the silencers too :)

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