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Looking for people to join up with

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So this is me, I'm Alex, I'm 24, from the UK, and currently I am a solo player. Possibly the best game ever, DayZ has been the type of survival horror I have always wanted, but has changed my nature somewhat. I'm not the type of person to just kill every survivor I see, but countless deaths from trying to make contact have taught me to shoot first, and don't bother with questions because everyone is too paranoid to listen. I need some people (1 would do) to team up with, and have a better chance at surviving. I am currently around the starry sober area, and will be logging on in about an hour, if anyone wants to team up and not shoot me in the face It would be much appreciated. One more thing, I currently have no mic (but I will be able to hear you if you speak), so I will only be able to communicate through typing. If you fancy teaming up , then drop me a message, I will get back to you.

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Hey Fellah,

I understand how you feel and we are the same but looking for a way to reduce the cycle and make our server a little more social.

Without enabling Global side chat the best way we can think to do this is to reduce the fear factor of dying and so reduce the shoot first mentality.

Failing that our philosophy is even if we don't shoot first, there will be enough of us with enough fire power to make sure we finish the fight with our enemies little more than stains ;)


GCorpz are on every evening on DE 188 from about 6:30PM GMT Onwards.

Our server starts to get dark about then and we have an evening population of about 8 or 9 players so it's a fairly relaxed way to tool up before popping onto higher pop servers if you want more interaction.

If I'm online I can come down to you with some spare kit to tool you up and either go Vehicle/Tent hunting or go try our luck on a higher pop server ;)

Our ATV's vanished last night (stupid bug...) so I'm planning on vehicle hunting mostly but can scrap that for some social hunting =p

I'll be on about 7:30GMT tonight as I have some shopping to do first lol ^_^

Edited by Cannon

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