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problems with inventory interface?

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The whole right clicking thing is about to get me killed, i have three bandages but i can not use them because when i right click the thing i need to click shows up behind the user interface for the inventory, does this for all things such as food and water. if the item is on the farthest right i can click but then i can not move things farther to the right, i am pissed the fuck off right now.

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Better than wheel-scrolling and mis-selecting -.-' No I don't want to drink, I want to bandage.

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i am having the same problems

Me and my friend are having this problem too, Nobody else seems to be having difficulties! It sucks not being able to bandage with 11000 blood and bleeding out.. I tried re installing patches 3 times.

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I got the same problem... It's quite annoying not being able to bandage oneself... >_

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i had somthing similar, i found out that is you have steam comunity open (shift tab) at anypoint durring the laoding of the server it bugs your invetory out.

Bit of a shame as now cant even use the net via steam while waiting endless for it too let me in.

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