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Random ideas to improve this great game!

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unsorted and random ideas while playing dayz: (will be updated)

- More detailed customisation of your character. this could include: body size, weight, skin colour, face details, hair colour, makeup, etc.

- customisation of fabric / clothes.

- give the player the opportunity to create and design own clothes with texture upload / layers etc. you could combine this with an in game store to sell / buy stuff.

- implement an economy system for people to buy and sell stuff

- improve the game client. we need friend lists, favorite servers, better and faster server connect, possibility to create and join platoons and easy communicate with them via text / voice chat.

- optimisation of spawning behavior / better opportunity to catch up your team / platoon if you`re dead.

- implement a ranking system / bonuses if you survive a long time. for example: military badges, more storage in bags etc.

- more ways to get food and drink: pick berries in the woods (but care, there are also poisoned ones), fish / grilled fish (more live recovery)

some significant ideas:

- implement sandbox- and farming aspects to the game.


let us build bases to save and protect our goods. a sample how this could look like:

our platoon found an suitable area in the woods, we cut the wood and cleared the area, produced logs and planks, collected tools, produced nails out of old tins, to start

building a small shack. using an in game world editor (like you have it in second life for example), collaborative building together with your friends would be possible.

imagine the endless possibilities: collecting, crafting, building, store stuff, regenerate your life, social aspects and so on.


implement detailed and complete farming aspects to restore health and life. in combination with a sandbox game we could start agriculture to farm and produce food.

example: clear forest land, apply a field with the correct tools, find seeds and planting, care and watering, harvest, produce bread.

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The whole character customization has already been planned, but there are a lot of limitations from the games engine and the impact on server performance.

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OR .... server hop at a chopper crash until you get some ridiculous sniper rifle; then hide on a rooftop and murder any player unlucky enough to get within 1000m of you ........ :rolleyes:

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A lot of your ideas are going to make the game easier and this is something I personally would not like to see. As it stands I think the difficulty in getting meat to recover your blood is well balanced. Also if you die it should be a bitch to team up again with your friends so spawning system should stay the same if not be harder which I think Rocket is going to do with build 2.4 by removing the respawn button making spamming that to improve your spawn location not possible which I think is a good move.

I play in a large group but mainly with my wife when one of us dies the achievment of meeting up again feels like a huge accomplishment making this easier would diminish that.

The brutal aspect is something that attracted me to the game, the fact it's hard to regen blood or meet up with friends makes a huge impact on how you play and feel about dying. As it is if your organised it's not to bad so if anything remove blood bags or reduce the blood you gain from them to 6000.

The economy system I am not so sure of but it kind of exists through battering and favour.

There are some ideas I like the sound of as long as the brutal nature of the game can be kept intact, just how to implement them is hard, like making bases if these are going to become impenetrable forts of high tier loot hoards then this will unbalance the game, if they are going to be easy to raid then what's the point? We used to have tent camps but have long since given up on these as they only attract camp hunters and have lead to us losing kit. Farms and bases will just be the same this is not FarmVille!

Keep it brutal keep it basic it's a formula that's worked well so far.

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