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Ban Appeal US 415

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I was banned on server US 415 for personal reasoning. I was banned due to falsely accused harassing in teamspeak. When in fact I hadn't been in their teamspeak for about 2-3 weeks and the whole time I was in their teamspeak I was only respectful to everyone in there. Also that has nothing to do with the in game mechanics anyways. The Admin just has a grudge against me and my group to us being bandits and killing the admin a multitude of times. We aren't even hunting him, we just killed him once in a while. We even found a M4A1 Holo SD w/ M203 Attachment on him which is not currently in the game. I made a post on their thread asking why I was banned, and he refused to tell me due to the fact that I was no longer a member to their clan. I can no longer find that post due to him archiving it and locking it so I can't reply. He holds this grudge also because I was originally going to join their clan but I was hanging with a diffent group that was not clan affiliated with them and they made me make a choice between choosing the people who actually played with me and etc, while with UGF I was always going solo for the most or just sitting on the back of the vehicle not doing much. So I chose the people who'd actually play. So because that he seems to be holding a personal grudge against me for some reason. I'm honestly not sure what other info I need to include in this so please tell me what i'm lacking and i'll say so.

Also I don't want to play on a different server because this is where we're set up, we have vehicles, a camp with a nice amount of weapons, all of that fun stuff.

Edited by XxSXBxX

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Please provide more evidence to back up your claim.

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Okay, edited it with more information that was requested.

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Did not read your post in full. However you can't be banned for things done in teamspeak/vent/mumble/skype

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+1 for unbanning. Man I'll tell u. Some of these admins need to grow a set and man up. Its a game and your ruining the fun for everyone.

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Please provide more evidence to back up your claim.

Its up to the admin to provide the proof...not the player.

Did not read your post in full. However you can't be banned for things done in teamspeak/vent/mumble/skype

Quoting for truth.

+1 for unbanning. Man I'll tell u. Some of these admins need to grow a set and man up. Its a game and your ruining the fun for everyone.

And quoting for truth again.

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Oh yea. One more thing. If you didn't like what he was saying in teamspeak or whatever(provided it wasn't racism) just kick him from your teamspeak channel. No reason to ban him from the server

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Well the fact of that matter is that I haven't been in his teamspeak for at least 2-3 weeks, and while I was in there I was never talking shit to anybody, he's just mad because I decided to go with a different group of players, and go into my own teamspeak instead of theirs.

Edit: Also another question, how do I know if I get unbanned or anything such as that? Who's the one that's going to do the unbanning if that's the case?

Edited by XxSXBxX

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I'm part of SXB's coalition and have avoided being banned only because I've changed my name several times. I get on today, after playing yesterday, and I have been banned. (Image below shows reason.) I'll make a separate thread for myself if that's needed, but everything from the OP is exactly how my story goes. I just figured keeping it in one thread would streamline the complaints against this server's administrator.

US 415:


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Yeah...I am pretty sure that "Asshat" is not one of the bannable offenses. Funny how he bans you calling you an asshat when the act of him banning you when he knows he isn't allowed to makes him an asshat.


Just another admin who thinks they are special and above the rules.

Edited by Vertisce
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Agreed, just another Power Hungry admin. He's trying to ban our whole group.

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My question still stands, how do I know if we're un-banned and who's the one that does the un-banning?

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Oh also, a bunch of other random people who got banned for no reason posted on their forums. They seem to be banning because they're getting their butt kicked. http://ugf-clan.net/

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I have just been recently banned also by the admin of the server. all is says is You were kicked, Battle eye: Banned (cheater))... Obviously im not banned and not a cheater if i can join ever single other server out there... so yea. this needs to stop, grown man banning people cause his whole group sucks and they cant win a battle. and im not just gonna find another server cause all of our weapons and cars are on it just as sx said.

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This server admin needs to post a reply with evidence or claims to why the server ban reason is something so childish. Until logs are posted by the admin, there will be no definitive proof as to why you were banned.

Hopefully your banned will be appealed and overturned. Even in the best scenario though, I'd advise you to stay away from this server with a 10 year old admin.

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How will we know if the admin ever sees it? I mean he refused to show us the logs on his own forum, so that wont even change here.

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