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DayZ needs objective other than survival

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To be clear i am not suggesting there be scripted "missions", that players can do or anything like that. Any missions players do undertake should be missions of their own making.

Think about what would actually happen in a zombie apocalypse:

Most people would die, and the strongest would survive, but even if you had found enough provisions and weapons to survive for many years, you wouldn't be satisfied, you would crave human contact and the need to live in an ordered community, basically you'd long for things to be as they once were. So you would seek out other humans and eventually form a large enough group to establish a community and slowly take back over control of the areas infested by zombies.

DayZ is at its most entertaining when you are struggling to survive, but once you've built yourself up a decent inventory of provisions and arnaments and survival has essentially been accomplished, you can either run around killing zombies that respawn over and over, or players that respawn over and over (or i guess you could just hide and keep 'surviving').

I believe my suggestion in the OP is the most realistic in terms of what would occur in the actual event of a zombie apocalypse; people won't just run around 'surving' or being 'bandits' for the rest of time. Communities and bases would form and eventually humanity would take control back from the zombies.

Fortunately this wouldn't be the end of all conflict, as in a post apocalypic world provisions and weapons would still be scarce so introduce faction wars a la stalker and raids etc.

So yes now that i'm not baked i still think it's a good idea :P

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Dale' pid='53398' dateline='1337771548']maybe the missions should just initiate a part of the game such as:

You have to clear out all these zombies to take control of this town/castle.


I already have a reason to clear the zombies - the supplies in the town which help me and my friends survive. I don't want NPC telling me to clear it and rewarding me with an extra can of beans for it.

Your ultimate goal is surviving as long as possible and you create the other goals for yourself' date=' which you can change at any point you want.


well the reward wouldn't be food it would be the town or castle, that way its not an advantage of having better items, it just means certain roleplay issues could be carried out such as controlling and area for players to go into and having player battles(10vs10) etc.

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I think the mod is pretty boring after a certain point, and there's only so much you can think up on your own before it gets to the point where you think you have cool ideas of things you can do, until you realize the game prevents you from doing it.

Sure, its an Alpha, but instead of adding more things to manage- we need more things to do. Things we get a feeling of accomplishment over.

Now, its just, run in forest, go to town, avoid zombies, get beans, try not to get shot.

Rinse, repeat.

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Here's what I'm thinking:


>Large group clear towns, zombies gone for good. Town is in charge of the group that took it and therefore under likely strict restriction of movement i.e. I can't really go through the town.

>Less supplies in areas outside of city

>Trading prices could be extortionate

>But what do they care, they have a city?

>If civ rates drops very quickly so zomies come back; what's the real point to this whole event.

New players logging in enjoy the sort of...fear they hear about the city? How they're going to team up with their buddy and sneak in. If I arrived at Cherno only to be greeted by some bandits or some muppets going "MAKAROV FOR A CAN O' BEANS MATE" I wouldn't be all too pleased. Frankly I found a lot of games try to overstretch the mark with fancy features and new players arriving at the simply don't understand and feel alienated. If I was a new player to ArmA2 and saw bases around everywhere I would wander to them, unsure of what they were, and be greeted by a bullet to the face for trespassing on a bandit/survivor base. At that point I would feel confused and alienated and as such not feel passionate enough to play because I feel like I don't understand enough to grasp the full extent of the mod.

Objectives of sorts would be handy, as I mentioned in my own Objectives thread where random supplies would appear that players could be alerted of and then continue to fight for. However, these huge wild influences on the game take away from what I think this mod really is. I came here for the survival and hardcore zombies, not to trade my pasta.


Why the constant suggestions for large Bandit/Survivor bases? Think about this, we all log in and out and swap server in a PERSISTANT WORLD. If per say I set up a base with my comrades at X location, then what happens if another group sets up base at the same location on another server. What happens then?


1) Bases can stay on that server and not move to others!

- What happens if I try to reconnect and the server is full; can somebody simply walk in my base and claim it as their own?

2) Bases can be destroyed after a certain period of time!

- Then what's the point of building one?

2b) They need regular 'maintenance' to allow them to stay up!

- Doesn't solve the problem stated in No.1

These bases would also be large and if not then these survivors/bandits would simply put up multiple ones next to each other and as such we gain a very overcrowded environment as many servers build more and more bases over time as an 'ultimate objective'.

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Rocket already said he wont be doing this shit. Emphasis on shit.

there are 2 ways of improving mod atm:

1) increasing difficulty to make it reasonable to cooperate since it will be extremelly hard to survive alone.

2) including some cti features would not hurt the mod.

or implementing both.

cti features in dayz concept doesn't force you to do any objectives/clear towns but add more possibilities for you and your mates when you bunched up.

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I want to introduce my idea of random events system


I think it easy can be expanded. Maybe this should be like:

Server admin (or maybe a game) has some instruments to change environment. When u login into some server u should see a message (maybe not, maybe u need find a way) of current situation on this server.

This should be some kind of bad or luck situation, but should impress.

Few examples:

= Defense from aggro military. Every some military base produce hunting high equipped squad, then that squad start patrolling known areas like sobor or nw air to seek and destroy any survivors. U can only stop this by find, raid and destroy military camp.

= Send radio signal to stop nuclear strike. Survivors need to find radiostation, codes and maybe some stuff... maybe repair generator and so on. And if u cant doing this thing u and every body die. Maybe only on south or north. And u have choice - change server, send signal to stop or migrate to safe area before strike.

I hope devs and community can find more situations like that. Maybe servers would start to a some time when u need to solve situation and win or loose? I dont know, but what do u say, is this a good point?

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Rocket already said he wont be doing this shit. Emphasis on shit.

there are 2 ways of improving mod atm:

1) increasing difficulty to make it reasonable to cooperate since it will be extremelly hard to survive alone.

2) including some cti features would not hurt the mod.

There are more than two ways to improve the mod, and merging DayZ with CTI is not one of them.

And capturing/clearing towns would not be persistent across every server, so there is that too.

I might have mentioned it before, but rocket said he wont be doing this kind of stuff.

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well something is required.

My experience playing for an hour or two last night:

Wandering around struggling to survive so having a fun time. Then i randomly find a dead bandit with an m16 and heaps of ammo, alice backpack full of firewood, beans, etc.

Suddenly i have enough supplies to survive for days, and i have no idea what to do with myself. I'm not the kind of player who enjoys death matching without purpose, so after about 30mins more of trying to amuse myself by shooting respawning zombies i got bored and disconnected.

Idk maybe i just lack the imagination required to wander around and "create my own story"

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no...just no.

If you want to play fetch quests for npcs or something there are already hundreds of other mmos for you to play. That and this whole adding quests etc nonsense goes completely against the anti-game idea dayz is based on.

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I'll follow that up with another "NO."

Other than surviving, DayZ needs no other objectives other than what we players decide is an objective.

By the way, I do not play DayZ for fun. I play it for the difficult challenge in an atmosphere that is truly harsh. Success is satisfying for me, but never fun. I think this is a major difference between the leave-it-alone player, and the please-add-this player. Hopefully, DayZ continues to ignore any fun and social changes unless they are by-products of realism changes.

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