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Confused O.o

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So, I spawned in today, and after login complete, I see a survivor on the left side of my screen, standing up with a pistol about 1-3 meters away... I have an as 50 and shot him twice in the hip,**EDIT: He didn't die, friend saw no death spam after i logged** he scared the f*&^ out of me. i give it about 6-10 seconds, then freak out and log out... anyone know what happened? I thought maybe I logged in before I registered somehow and shot myself logging in. lol

Edited by renulan

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You shot a survivor who was afk, that's all.

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Sorry, I forgot to mention that he didn't die. and after i logged friend said he saw no death spam for two minutes.

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Maybe he was already dead? I saw a survivor standing outside a village once, crawled up close and started talking to him for several minutes...Only to find out it was a corpse that for some reason was still standing up with a gun in its hand.

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That's possible too. Living corpses (bugged player bodies) are pretty usual nowadays

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last night friend was guarding my body so I can recover my stuff, and shot one survivor that stumbled upon my body.. the guy was dead but still standing, maybe same bug happened to that guy

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