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Visibility enforced?

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First of all I wanna say this mod is just AMAZING! ;)

I'm rather a newcomer to dayz and I got a question ... today after the update I joined a server and my fps seemed worse than before the update. So I tried to reduce visibility but to no avail. It didn't matter what visibility I set, the actual view distance in game stayed the same and so did my fps of course.

I don't remember it being like this before the patch. Then I didn't play much yet so I might be mistaken.

Is visibility enforced by the server now? Or was my visibility just like this because it was a little foggy atm?

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My understanding is that visibility has always been server-enforced. This patch just updated the distance to further out because people were complaining about the fog.

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In ArmA multiplayer, view distance is normally enforced to whatever the server's view distance is set to.

Edit: I meant: "enforced to whatever the mission's view distance is set to."

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In ArmA multiplayer' date=' view distance is normally enforced to whatever the server's view distance is set to.


So it might differ from server to server?

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It's usually set by the mission. Since all servers are running the same mission, I'm pretty sure the view distance will be same for all servers.

There are scripts which allow you to change view distance locally, but dayZ doesn't use such a script.

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You can set view distance for the whole server or individual player slots. Once a mission builder has done so, there is nothing a player can do to see farther.

I don't know about shrinking the view.

Btw, the reason for having a server side view distance setting is pretty obvious.... to keep those of you with Mega PCs from seeing the plebs from 10km.

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