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I was thinking of an idea to help with more party style game play for people who's gotten a hang of the game and want just that little something more,

Coming across certain places of the map i saw old castles, radio towers, fire stations and churches. Say you and two to four of your mates who have just loaded up on ammo,food and water come across a Radio tower up in the mountains one of your team fuels the generator and lights go on,etc. one of the team members climbs to the top flicks the switch box on the radio station.

*Sirens* Event starts, now you and your team have to hold out that area for the next 10-20 minutes while under a rush of infected.


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This sounds very cool, but before this happens, the zombies need to be tweaked a bit more. It'd be a bit hard to hold down the area with zombies running through your barricades! :P

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Yeah we'll that is agreed, no walling infected and etc, need to be able to funnel em atleast haha, also may need the power grids setup.

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