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So this is how I got banned the server recently restarted and I was in this weird lobby that I have never seen before it had all these actions like vote kick and whatnot so I saw one button that said Vote Admin so I voted my self admin just as a joke I meant no harm to the server at all my. My friends and I have been playing on that server for a while and this is really the only server that I can actually enjoy since I get home from work late at night and its really nice to know that it is daytime when I hop on. So, please for the love of beans un-ban me I will be a good little zombie killer I promise. :(

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I would like to know who it is or if they have a website so I could get this sorted out. I mean voting yourself admin with the intent of doing harm is a justifiable ban but I really meant no harm.

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Yeah...i believe there is an old vote admin exploit. He/She must have thought you were implementing it.

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Yeah...i believe there is an old vote admin exploit. He/She must have thought you were implementing it.

Oh god I didn't know that.

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Well I sent the admin an email and he said he would get back to me and that was at 2 P.M. EST and its 12 A.M. so...

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Yeah...i believe there is an old vote admin exploit. He/She must have thought you were implementing it.

The vote admin is NOT an exploit, it is a foundation of Arma2.

Admins of DayZ sometimes also do not know that this game has been around a very long time before this mod.

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