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Need help kicked from every server

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Ok so basically every time i try to join a server it says that i need battle eye 1.165 and then it kicks me (says server requiring version 1.165 up to date)... i had played DayZ for a few days before this happened. I tried every forum but none helped. I have redownloaded battle eye manually and placed it in the folders for Arma II and Arma II:Operation Arrowhead. I tried validating the game cache with steam and did it with both games and this did not fix the problem. Ive tried using both Six Launcher and Six updator neither helped. I have tried loading both games up from steam plus Combined operations and that did not work either. I have redownloaded sixlauncher/sixupdator and that did not work. I tried reinstalling battle eye through steam no luck :/... when i load the game on the servers it says version 1.62/required 1.62. How do i fix this? Thanks in advance

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Which files did you get from BattlEye?

And you did run both games into menu once each before loading Dayz?

Edited by Drogur

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howd you get it fixed? ive tried everything so far it feels like. the forum solution everyone is posting, new updates everything.

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i followed the forums exact instructions that drogur posted. And then i just reopened six launcher and it started working again :)

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