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TRADE | Satchel(s) for an SVD Camo

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I have Satchel(s) and looking to trade for an SVD Camo. 2 Satchels for the gun and if you have 3-4 mags that's worth a satchel, if you have additonal mags, the pro rate does apply.

The date and time and place will be set in the future. Let me know if your interested. You will come unarmed, as will I. The trade will be fast and clean. Using the tent system of trade.

Edited by Cruc1al

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Unarmed you do realize that the other guy will be packing a sniper rifle, I would highly suggest you do not arrive unarmed or without sniper overwatch

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Unarmed you do realize that the other guy will be packing a sniper rifle, I would highly suggest you do not arrive unarmed or without sniper overwatch

You do realize the sniper will be in there bag and then implanted into the tent. So no one will have a weapon visible.

Picture of the satchel(s)?? That can be arranged, but I ask you then for a picture.

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