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Looking for a team of friggin' awesome people! :D

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Okay, I'm what you could call a casually hardcore gamer..

I'm okay with dying.. I'll just flip over a few pieces of furniture and I feel better :)

I'm looking for a group of guys, (Or girls.. Girls are cool :D) that love to laugh and play this game!


1. No seriousness allowed. EVER.

2. Playerkilling is only done always.

3. Teamkilling is not allowed... Well... Maybe... Depends... I'LL FIGURE IT OUT LATER.


We will play like any other group, get supplies.. Hit up the airfield and slay some zeds but we will have fun with it!

Post your skype below if your interested :)

My sound card is broken so I won't be able to get on Skype for the next fews days :)

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unfortunatly this game is very serious so most of the groups n people are naturally serious about everything, but gl with that B)

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Yo im up with playing in a day or so my video card is crap so downloading it on another pc i don't curse neither do i get my mad i just get my (fake)gun and shoot myself but thats not that bad so hit me up(boogs5152) and when i get dayz workin ill hit u up hope to play with you soon!!!! Love, Your Stalker...

Edited by Mrboogs5152

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Okay, I'm what you could call a casually hardcore gamer..

I'm okay with dying.. I'll just flip over a few pieces of furniture and I feel better :)

I'm looking for a group of guys, (Or girls.. Girls are cool :D) that love to laugh and play this game!


1. No seriousness allowed. EVER.

2. Playerkilling is only done always.

3. Teamkilling is not allowed... Well... Maybe... Depends... I'LL FIGURE IT OUT LATER.


We will play like any other group, get supplies.. Hit up the airfield and slay some zeds but we will have fun with it!

Post your skype below if your interested :)

My sound card is broken so I won't be able to get on Skype for the next fews days :)

With so many exclamations and emotes i could swear you were female....

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