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Can't break glass from the hospital(factory)

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im new to this game so i have a question. 2 Days ago or so i got into the hospital like always shooting the glass 2 times with a weapon or throwing a can against it. But now it wont break? I only tested the one in factory for now but is there a change or something that i didn't reconized? I shot 2 magazins from a pistol and 2 shots from a shotgung and it is still bullet proof... Please help me my friend is running out of blood :D

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The glass to me is like... invincible o.o

But yet one can being thrown at it will destroy all the windows.

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took 2 full mags from a makarov last night.. best option is putting your main weapon in your bag and pulling the axe from your tool belt.

Also it only breaks if you shoot the glass on the doors. If you just shoot the windows you will waste all ur ammo.

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For the hospital I just throw empty cans at it. Only takes like 2-3 empty cans to break the glass. Haven't broken into a hospital in a while though so maybe things have changed since then.

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I found that certain windows break the glass in one shot. Usually the ones on the left end side.

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Usually if you run a little bit away after shooting it and it not breaking SOMETIMES once you come back it will be broken.

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took 2 full mags from a makarov last night.. best option is putting your main weapon in your bag and pulling the axe from your tool belt.

Also it only breaks if you shoot the glass on the doors. If you just shoot the windows you will waste all ur ammo.

You have it the wrong way around, everyone is saying that the doors are bullet proof and the windows are the part which get broken.

I have never tried to break the glass on the doors, but it is not smashed when the windows are so I tend to agree with everyone else. Plus I have broken the glass numerous times by hitting the windows.

My method: Hit the second or third window from the left end. The far left window doesn't seem to break for me but the second or third window breaks every time. Also be aware that desync can cause some players to see the glass broken and others cannot see it.

Edited by thisisbleep
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nonon the person above me has it wrong. you shoot the far right window one time and its done.


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i think i just take the hatchet and try it out 5 times on evry glass

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nonon the person above me has it wrong. you shoot the far right window one time and its done.


All of the windows should be breakable, you should do what you find works best. That is why I put "My method".

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