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Oh man DayZ really is great.

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Welp. I've been playing DayZ with a friend and some of his friends lately in a Mumble server.

So to skip to the great stuff, I found good stuff in cherno and we met up. We're the only ones on the server. But that moment when their is only one other person now in the game, much more scary then having thirty to be honest, that person could be ANYWHERE.

The game really gave me that experience, we search through Starry at this point, have great stuff and having fun. Another thing, their is music/sound in the game at nighttime thats similiar to the sound in Slender after you get your first note. The stomping, repeatedly, and man we would NOT turn around for some reason. At this point we started heading towards the airfield, I was excited because I had never been to the barracks or hangers. We cross the airfield, at the time their was one other person and it was really weird knowing they could be anywhere and how realistic it made the game for us.

So, we are in the firehouse, raided most of everything but we had zombies everywhere. We are fighting, suddenly I hear 'RUN IM GONNA THROW A NADE!' And before I could yell at him not to he threw one. It just BARELY hit one of the poles and went right under my feet. Yep dead but most of the zombies were too. I wasn't mad I was laughing, it honestly was fun and knowing it just barely hit that pole is amazing. It was fun and although I did die and could never find my corpses it was great, and this is exactly what keeps me playing. Anybody agree?

EDIT - Poles in the back of the garage area, they were cornered their for some reason.

Edited by Suecra
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I agree. It seems like i could be getting killed by a gate or getting shot at by a hacker that duplicates himself and i'm always having fun. I think people take this game way too seriously.

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I agree.

If you didn't lose everything and have to start over, this game would provide very little drive to keep coming back and playing more.

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I agree. It seems like i could be getting killed by a gate or getting shot at by a hacker that duplicates himself and i'm always having fun. I think people take this game way too seriously.

Cosign, I have had some silly deaths but I honestly like starting over sometimes. Despite its issues the game is amazing and one of the most addictive games ive played in ages.

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