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jackoire (DayZ)

Finally some global bans

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So I had some hackers join my game today, thankfully there efforts were in vain.

A survivor and i where in the middle of nowhere just arrived back at our camp. Our screen went grey and both at the same time, like when u loose lots of blood and went back to normal (no blooding or sounds). So i knew something was fishy so i disconnect. Seconds later the other survivor says he is getting shot and he cant see anyone. Its a silenced weapon, so i tell him to disconnect cos its definately a hacker. So we join another server and i give him blood and patch him up.

We then reconnect back to the server and we spawn in the same location as our camp and all tents are flattened and vehicals disapeared. Impossible to destroy and remove all that in 2 mins.

So I restart the server a minute and all stuff is back :)

Then less than 10 mins later i see this in console.

I've never seen global bans before...


Edited by jackoire
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Does that first one really say "lol"?


Yes he came back in lobby after he gets kicked by battleye. So i just taught id ban all there IP's just in case. A simple message just to show my support.

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That first one is not a global batlteye ban, its a kick message from your bans.txt

So he's only banned form your server for some reason.

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Does that first one really say "lol"?


b57cb4973da76f4588936416aae2de05 -1 Script Detection: Gerk

8ac69e7189ecd2ff4235142feff0bd26 -1 Script Detection: setVehicleInit DoThis;

1c8aa5e919c37da5f3a2b13a2cf69aff -1 Script Detection: Really? tupidmistake.sqf? Don't come back.

deb593123be01dbde1c7edea7faabd32 -1 Cheats

4e99bd0d34e40ed468b0f77d35e3f618 -1 Cheats

55a38ff775b4042e33b01c2c66bb18a7 -1 Cheats

1d1a1d581fa6727c3640f12ca5672154 -1 Teleport

cd50fd48f878b9c15472204836f6108a -1 Teleport

7370eda2cdb1ed2d4d01c73c70c0b1ab -1 Teleport

9537ef4af92ef79991215e244a0daf03 -1 Way to many detections to count

f0db022e291f756199bf6dea4e91a152 -1 Setting of markers...

04978068af921920cdff09a995ce0007 -1 Teleporting is lame

957bb08c4d1a85e35f712375683eddc6 -1 Script Detections

b3a63ced51adc8b4c24d2d243f685796 -1 Script Detections

4aa19ffbf656e6f94a618bfcfe2219e7 -1 Teleporting

531f730c87aaa40b75564b7813f67a41 -1 Birds up to you as well.

9d68913c949b9773e202d6bd8d30cfaf -1 Script Detections

3c7c89290e244eafc17a0ec7153d3606 -1 Loki's is bad for you.

342e03ec351f8e2664698e48dccdb388 -1 Loki's is bad for you.

7583fbacc8e4309ac83052e85556e2e0 -1 Loki's is bad for you.

af63f3e7add71f951e9526a7d97cc79b -1 Alex and gerk don't mix. Try again.

695c315c58bde550c6847af10c065607 -1 Loki's is bad for you.

7583fbacc8e4309ac83052e85556e2e0 -1 Loki's bad, but jesus is good.

f6226e9b7f31b5982e6d92e9b1c5359e -1 Seriously fuck off

dd0eff0cb64efbd6b67f33fdd1d19c0f -1 Loki's

f01db0c943869c0816126ebfd9eb654b -1 Setting of markers

b46a987d0dc2e38ec986db493ff3d573 -1 Executing commands not in DayZ

76adee3079fb1303f210666e7dee98ea -1 Loki's

e12d13c38d5dd8ab5372d13cf848576c -1 Loki's

e12d13c38d5dd8ab5372d13cf848576c -1 Setting of markers

95444d83792ad402e7dfe7dff6317694 -1 Questional Code contact DayZ

9f3370c39061e203729fca670fe5413f -1 Lol adding AA12

535e4bf8d28caf27d8bdead88c07412d -1 Execution of Code

0989b356813259607b669f7b752a2619 -1 Alex/Gerk

eb2cd1b519d38afc4e2d5fb76a91bd25 -1 Birds up to you as well.

4ffe46696948ff335540d6da08923efa -1 Jesus doesn't use Loki's

4f3b9c4c1a8815b4ef96c5fd66eeaa1a -1 Denied.

de3af396d11adb4e1b72758c1e8f2a58 -1 Adding weapons to everyone.

1a5969de65add8f9e4fb7c2a3deafa4a -1 Adding of markers and other stuff.

d53007dbeb48d6f595b8d5c4259e64c6 -1 Setting markers

d9d8bfa34e7c4d904de920e8cb061bbc -1 Go away.

f9d82f22a1155c74680c5d57b3d68c8d -1 No cheat for you!

c983952a088c046383ba3d9b613b260f -1 No cheat for you!

d9d8bfa34e7c4d904de920e8cb061bbc -1 Teleporting can make you sick.

4a2386b96300aef49dd1b33a447c9cab -1 Cheating makes you sick. Should get it checked out.

d0001829a1ebcb2897549858c411ecba -1 Cheating makes you sick. Should get it checked out.

f9d82f22a1155c74680c5d57b3d68c8d -1 Cheats are bad mmmmkkkkk.

382578c33306e1615f645a537194edbf -1 cheating is wrong

e926dde0288f284eac7c0398211469c8 -1 Cheating, shame on you.

086aca59819ba7cbe1cd8f259ee0a9bc -1 Cheating

90a36b532c195466388b36958f187c5b -1 You mad bro?

e93ec7c0b5c89080f751c003a8ed2788 -1 You mad bro?

6386f3636c438bee10384e00c59cb362 -1 You mad bro?

9ce6db3136265b858964d07d22619a95 -1 You mad bro?

90d5d07366c53ea3f6f98b54be24d8a6 -1 You mad bro?

6d3f0676cb33419a8c523b52014bef6b -1 You mad bro?

b97161c2fb7235a20517a7f8da70d4e2 -1 spawning ammo crates

b53c09df43954b00b04c96bf2d1af366 -1 same shit different GUID.

1a5eed054e5f843522b00d09814ead4c -1 Such a failure to life.

70cf145f47f499d743d49b079bda9284 -1 TKC is for skiddies.

9f3370c39061e203729fca670fe5413f -1 Same stuff new GUID.

115f39a32dc86cc981b4babbf418f120 -1 No ammo for you!

882fb01ed3b766a33a78c5442f305b8d -1 TKC Blows bro

6121fe7b1ba57d6cc75c6afd22493c7d -1 Idiot

fbb0a8401a555b2042920d85b0cc21f6 -1 Spawning ammo boxes

19ba7ae749b25ebe492c833681044837 -1 Teleporting

dc2362f6565fa66705d2ad1923ff6fdc -1 Get lost bro

b9bb632f835c65183e8ff5b8cec5c632 -1 Yeah.. Banned...

faae2a8a8ab50beed469a40f953ae588 -1 No markers for you

21a19e1142119eef41594dbc43fa3878 -1 Script kiddie trolol.

d9dc6709c314e95ce173f2a94bddbfd6 -1 You've been trolled.

dd16060daaa73b57171fa85659197179 -1 You have probably been trolled

dc683b0f84a3942805133f66c8b9ab1d -1 My kungfu is strong

bf50d8aa2b5f65810c5231cc8271c199 -1 You have been detected with an STD.

d2aba4141792b06813bc7c25b1d29d4b -1 Guess who's back!

455c180dc23c11e888fd893ae15d8f7d -1 Giggity ban bro.

19ba7ae749b25ebe492c833681044837 -1 I like puddin and being an asshole.

a28703aa42af5367252edf29cd5e6794 -1 Yet another ban yay.

4a2386b96300aef49dd1b33a447c9cab -1 Love those bans!

e0a73089dbba1de5c9b7481e9efa7041 -1 He has crabs.

f882fa2a0d02ba6995b20152b7bee781 -1 Running out of ban reasons.

5ce90e28c21e71b76ca17a1a8946e6ed -1 Dont know what to say

4eca1302efe45aa1c9fbe0b5577c1725 -1 How cute.

dec49607ac619c6bd574504e0d5f1231 -1 Sexy butt

dd16060daaa73b57171fa85659197179 -1 script kiddie

d054ba6ef7b566fa670992311ea3a852 -1 script kiddie

e65cc8ba55e54c988f3d80ac6b12f70f -1 script kiddie

233f71eb781bfabb95733d179b4cd15c -1 markers + the rest

6f0e679649f800d5dd0957acef5e95c9 -1 markers

fc5ed89b5bedd564a1dae8f758bb83de -1 markers

adee0dfbea37da9980900209cbf14cb5 -1 markers

98df9a98cd938460f65c124a7c15594b -1 script kiddie

0a60cdbf6c70807a2433dd2189df049c -1 spawning crates + the rest

d3022b6a40b5f14fa4cdf2c7d920493c -1 crate spawning

dfdad159bf46a3fc12bc4f197fcfde2a -1 scripts

d551f3219f26595009be63c7425b6a9c -1 markers

1a248f29aaa37bc4c345012861003bc8 -1 Next time you stream dont let your GUID be shown

8889b1db6bfc88a8bfae0f9f9a2048da -1 You should know why Mr. Cheater

1b3e79fc7f70b462286087d9936f40e2 -1 Love banning you people.

d292dc20cfa3f43f08ebdfd0ba7f55ee -1 Dreaded cheater bans huh?

aa3e39d97b8e11c7cbfda8c106079b19 -1 Hey Clarence we got another cheater!

c0a10b12edaca6ee4b37ceb1fcb5336a -1 No surprise just another ban.

1dd7d7d71969c6d98bc5aff5d4182414 -1 We dont like cheaters be gone satan!

6b31461530e9e12cccce9af88438fa48 -1 Stop using the same stuff over and over again!

b7f0e476f52e30832915a7f2c349aec2 -1 Hey look.. Another person using an ammobox spawner

3bb2c51a08cf2311088cf1258fbc00e8 -1 Give up already

28717f2d7763fe2a4ded65fe8c061133 -1 We gon find you

582a6bf84a177a0a3bead1096d1d9664 -1 lol spawning local vehicles is useless

b97161c2fb7235a20517a7f8da70d4e2 -1 The jig is up boy

fc784f42110ca9e5b5aea8ac5d6f4f9d -1 Just your friendly neighborhood ban

d243c464a2e0f61233d0111a9ef9c636 -1 sigh another ammo box spawner

468bd7a4163977644a55a9e02e612704 -1 sigh another ammo box spawner

3b73c68a7a7d8d1fb8650561a2152576 -1 oh look another script kiddie

a0863f85ec742329e27cfc0fa20145bc -1 finally someone making their own cheats

8032fd2ddb93b93e02fdaf541eb376b7 -1 for the love of god just give up

cdda40a871835d92273becaf4f9fec3e -1 Script kiddies get banned

ffdf4cfaa25375f870b5da523c2253b9 -1 Tehee you got ban!

33d599a66702ab2a1752a37a448d5384 -1 Starting to loose count on how many of you use this known cheat

984fdf8e80ff94c36f158713fac94954 -1 zZzZzZzZzZ getting bored

bfdea2da3314fe5ee8a613a3f9411fa6 -1 dumbest name ever

403269f081137dbe14fdb12679ae51e0 -1 DUDE REALLY ANOTHER AMMO BOX SPAWNER

fdf1915e82e1aca5fe449c37bb4c9cb2 -1 Getting bored of banning you people

105d11f493a616a27a87869d056ab94b -1 Hoosah a cheater

59b06a037cc8aed4375dc0184a2d2bb5 -1 Taking out the trash

9cf0bd0a6bf4c1f2e395233cee2b40cb -1 More cheating trash hoosah!

e19c1b76e46b82063407b9a252104d0a -1 You cant fly

2a75f62815967c93c595bf6d8da4ec3f -1 Sigh just another ban

886e50aff2beb52cb8c54fea0a26d3c6 -1 and another ban yet again

cd4c8c7dd6b4d9dab4346e2d50902334 -1 lol cant even change infammook what a skiddie

6cd9a0c79e069e38f207cee707ad7e4b -1 Boredummmmmmm

a28703aa42af5367252edf29cd5e6794 -1 ban ban ban ban

4a2386b96300aef49dd1b33a447c9cab -1 plenty of bans to pass around

6828742fe98cd5cd6ef30750349cfd34 -1 Nom nom ban

38e35d2ffc0ac15c761d70bfe4ecece5 -1 Smoke the ban bro

20b1f7b093d83de19e4f8a8140d07ed0 -1 Loosing count on how many bans this is

b9d74c46da442199a79e97953a1ccb26 -1 lol MrMedic

182a95c1fb82683f49165d45eee960c5 -1 uber ban bro

c3c3c37cddb28977e4cd0ae41cbe4ae9 -1 For your sake stop cheating

f4d91c844bb8e89db77a10d4b4d93787 -1 We like passing bans around

794fcc9391e52cbdb88b5b6c471ec7b1 -1 Hope you enjoy your ban

4eca1302efe45aa1c9fbe0b5577c1725 -1 No god mode for you

0d00eb71226db1460a8fa74c37f09caf -1 I am the bananator

4eca1302efe45aa1c9fbe0b5577c1725 -1 Please just stop cheating it is pointless

b9d74c46da442199a79e97953a1ccb26 -1 Silly cheater scripts are for kids

4eca1302efe45aa1c9fbe0b5577c1725 -1 The atomic gun thats pretty old school

4eca1302efe45aa1c9fbe0b5577c1725 -1 Yet another script user

869ac323f7d5a4b8a8c1a4096ffff272 -1 Nope is right

7cc332db044ebbc56b84dbbbbafb7e96 -1 WOW lots of bans today

ddecb38ccd68c74517da1546520c3884 -1 You have balls to cheat on dayz not...

b9bb632f835c65183e8ff5b8cec5c632 -1 ban ban ban ban ban ban

c87b726fba67bc092e9db793b70263e1 -1 Like my new script detection?

bdd0f07fc7f6f5714be079656112c211 -1 New anti-cheats sucks huh?

56fea542239b086944205ad722c8f4ee -1 <3 new anticheat

e7d5c3257975cd11a683fb717a54d36b -1 DENIED!

55101c2990a63a73fe7a988d0281f9fd -1 DENIED

e2ab5a70fbce99f46e19a321b19ec3dc -1 Love Tonic

ff00afb58cadde624fb7bd4eb30fbb1f -1 Enjoy your bann on all DayZ servers

9d3a36ac8ee51778e2e94c60cfaa0be2 -1 Lol banned

e6586bd6efea7652b433b5a0ba41436a -1 BANNNNNNNNEDDDDDD

9d3a36ac8ee51778e2e94c60cfaa0be2 -1 New Script detection works good huh?

c2c522b5b5b6cbb4a6747459ec85557e -1 Cheating is pointless

a60df4872502dc224852a29b14ecc01f -1 Yepp its a ban

2e0c85ebec4a046c220924259359e6d5 -1 lol ammo box fail

8d63bb956796ab43f1705e9d2a27ac11 -1 Ohhh denied

62f084c3ffc429e97e0de04fc4310587 -1 Init cock block

ce4ec90eae510685c08adbd5458503f3 -1 yet more ammo box fail

aa41a7c43de1ff9d16b614f4e8f84a89 -1 Enjoy the ban

840733a1884f929800f24fd75febb0db -1 You lost the pissing contest

fd8a6c337bd4aa77248b9169b92cf313 -1 Another ammo box fail

358255903f69dcc87a415b87a03d84a6 -1 Another ammo box fail

9068b0e100fcd13e87c7ab8892c29bff -1 Spawning Ammo boxes and failed

01e239e1bd27b1396739125834340f7a -1 Not being creative enough

afbda17a2ac00a01c01f8a2955ddc601 -1 lol fail

44e1b94854339c1b5f57e8e5e4db4f5f -1 Fail

aa14845b9c0cc7e3b44b4d0d062324bb -1 Really not creative

1364d70f43b1a127853bef238874bba6 -1 Meh.

eb639023564e41ae5e1650261141007d -1 ohh denied

2893b620c65a207a3de2cafcb2f9b2a1 -1 Banned for cheating

9068b0e100fcd13e87c7ab8892c29bff -1 Banned for cheating

01e239e1bd27b1396739125834340f7a -1 Banned for cheating

afbda17a2ac00a01c01f8a2955ddc601 -1 Banned for cheating

44e1b94854339c1b5f57e8e5e4db4f5f -1 Banned for cheating

aa14845b9c0cc7e3b44b4d0d062324bb -1 lol not very smart

d03395b697082771e9aee5f76d474771 -1 denied of ammo

d1e1d3f6c591a934cc2dd425aa043a9d -1 No ammo for you

f6cc6749082fbfdb3e55bc002a7fb267 -1 No Ammo for you

9231b942e595276a417dc38fbf0b9824 -1 Ammo box spawning fail

eb639023564e41ae5e1650261141007d -1 Spawning ammo box fail

cb3af23b2721375465cf528aff353522 -1 banhammerlove

4dc4aeef6f339a1aa6e1cd4dc86feacd -1 banhammerlove

ad35bbf25c6c770b52bd2f0b38ff70e6 -1 banhammerlove

cefff21efd148d3fa5201843be954ff4 -1 banhammerlove

634bebf4d7a1a2b08a3d8b738485224b -1 banhammerlove

2f3d0a79e84f57be50e8105564b3a6fc -1 banhammerlove

e1ec7050e8de0b021edb93ffe21f50eb -1 banhammerlove

8e7cf5a6fa6c25a12c58a59423a8503a -1 banhammerlove

8d1af88516999099216095acf3f9e37f -1 banhammerlove

Edited by That Cat

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That first one is not a global batlteye ban, its a kick message from your bans.txt

So he's only banned form your server for some reason.

Opps, in the pic missed the line above in console says "player "x" global ban"

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WOW! please tell what's your server, i think i have lower chances of getting killed by hackers on your server :D

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WOW! please tell what's your server, i think i have lower chances of getting killed by hackers on your server :D

Nah, that's Tonics ban list. Comes with every server load and available for download as well.....everyone should be running it

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Nah, that's Tonics ban list. Comes with every server load and available for download as well.....everyone should be running it

Is it updated pretty regularly? Where can I get it? I googled a bit and couldn't seem to find it.

Edit: Ah nevermind he does the master DayZ bans.

Edited by HoboNinja

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