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Is there a typing-chat server?

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Hello there, everyone.

I am a fresh new player to dayz, learning still my basics on how to survive and get the most basic tools. Since my computer (Laptop Hp pavillion dv2000 with 3gb ram, about 350mb ghrapic card intel, windows vista with mic.) is not able to run the game smooth enough to play i bought the game and i play a few hours on my University Library computer which is capable of running it smoothly and the internet speed is 15Mb but...this computers do not have a mic. So i was wondering if there is any server i can join where players can talk to eachother by typing? i saw a couple videos on youtube where there were some chats. So i can at least say friendly or be able to communicate in case i encounter with someone. If there is, please give me the IP address and port or something i can get a hold of.

Thank you!.

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That would be every server.

Unless you mean global chat, in which case, that is enabled on some high-pop servers.

Hit "/" to start typing. Use "." to make sure you're in Direct Communication.

Edited by Doctor Disfigure
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Wait, you loaded it up on a University's Library computer... man.. that's hardcore. As for your question, you can use text chat for direct as well. Just hit the "/" to open the input.

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Thank you very much, bro. You have my beans.

These forums actually solve problems, unlike others. Loving the community so far, thank you one more time!.

Hahahahaha, i know Sp3cialk. It takes about 30 minutes to download everything and get it running here. These computers have around 4GB ram and high speed connection, thank you as well!.

Edited by luisnm

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US114 Kansas has side chat where you can always talk to other people, but its almost always full. Besides that just about every server has direct chat where you can talk to people within a certain radius

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