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What type of Communication is most common?

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Do the Majority of y'all use the ingame communication or something else like teamspeak or skype? Also what are the pros and cons of each if it's pretty much equal?

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Most servers have chat turned off with the only option to use 'Direct Communication'. The range on this is now 80 metres so its quick short range. If playing with friends then they will use - Mumbles, TeamSpeak or Ventrilo.

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Bullets, down range at high velocity is what I usually see.

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and im not saying thats a good thing either. i loved this game when i started playing, but im starting to see you cant play this game alone.... ever. ive met one friendly since i started 2 weeks ago. i cant talk to anyone and im feeling lonely when i play. if rocket is trying to make a survival sim in a zombie setting, then companionship is a big deal. people go insane when they are alone for to long.

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