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Why do you people have a problem with bandits?

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Why are so many people complaining about the "cowaduty" kids killing them in chernogorsk or electro? Bandits are a part of the game, and they bring life to the Day Z experience.

Imagine if you couldn't kill other survivors. What would this game become? Players would team up in large groups and eradicate a town until everyone had military grade weapons. The game would get dull in hours - everyone would have high tier loot and there would be no challenge.

Bandits bring unpredictability to the game. Is this person friendly? Am I going to die in the next ten seconds? Sometimes your instincts are wrong and you are going to get killed. Why blame the other person? You had loot that would benefit his survival and he can kill you to take it.

There are no rules here. There is no morality. People can (and should in some scenarios) lie to you to get ahead. Don't come to the forums with your tears to fuel further development. Those people that are killing you are playing a different way then you, and that's okay. Not everyone is a carebear that wants to hold hands to be friends.

I already know what some of you are going to say - "What about the snipers in cities that kill noobs just to ruin the experience for other players?" These bandits are smart bandits. Why should a bandit let you get gear in a main city, or worse, the airfield, so that you become a serious threat down the road?

So I for one support the efforts of bandits. The people complaining about this game becoming a death match must stop running into populated areas over and over and think a different result is going to occur when they know there are snipers around.

Bandits - you are teaching these players valuable lessons about the harsh reality of Chernarus. You make this game fun and exciting, and for that I thank you.

Edit: Here are examples of threads I've seen that think murders are a bad thing and should be removed or discouraged. Quite frankly these are the types of ideas that we should avoid:




I'm sure I don't even need to cite what I'm talking about. Spend two minutes on this board and you'll see someone somewhere make a bitter reference is how bandits "ruin" the game.

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Why are so many people complaining about the "cowaduty" kids killing them in chernogorsk or electro? Bandits are a part of the game' date=' and they bring life to the Day Z experience.

Imagine if you couldn't kill other survivors. What would this game become? Players would team up in large groups and eradicate a town until everyone had military grade weapons. The game would get dull in hours - everyone would have high tier loot and there would be no challenge.

Bandits bring unpredictability to the game. Is this person friendly? Am I going to die in the next ten seconds? Sometimes your instincts are wrong and you are going to get killed. Why blame the other person? You had loot that would benefit his survival and he can kill you to take it.

There are no rules here. There is no morality. People can (and should in some scenarios) lie to you to get ahead. Don't come to the forums with your tears to fuel further development. Those people that are killing you are playing a different way then you, and that's okay. Not everyone is a carebear that wants to hold hands to be friends.

I already know what some of you are going to say - "What about the snipers in cities that kill noobs just to ruin the experience for other players?" These bandits are smart bandits. Why should a bandit let you get gear in a main city, or worse, the airfield, so that you become a serious threat down the road?

So I for one support the efforts of bandits. The people complaining about this game becoming a death match must stop running into populated areas over and over and think a different result is going to occur when they know there are snipers around.

Bandits - you are teaching these players valuable lessons about the harsh reality of Chernarus. You make this game fun and exciting, and for that I thank you.


because bandits thats kill for fun cause more damage to their victims than bandits that kill for supplies... or so it would seem based on the amount of crying

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This game would be hilariously unexciting as it is without someone to play the villain. I don't think anyone really advocates turning off the total pvp, or at least I hope not.

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I actually wanted to get mad but you sort of prove a point. They are there as a hazard really. I do not promote the removal of bandits, I never said that. There's just so many in terms of survivor:bandit ratio, which is probably around 1:3.

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yeah, why do people get mad when i kill them? i wonder why..

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Most gamers have lived in a world of structure forever.

ArmA allows you to break from that. When I build COOP missions I have suicide bombers, IEDs, toe poppers and hidden snipers as well as conventional threats.

It's not linear, there aren't just 3 ways down a map. The world is all around you and threats exist in that world, in your rear, on the flanks and hidden in front of you.

Day Z is a Zombie mod that stays true to these principles and then adds in basic problems that players have to address to stay alive.

I've never seen a difference between bandits and survivors, at least not since I was shot by a survivor on my first day. People are scared so they act irrational.

Having a bandit skin only played to the myth that people believe in, that is that good and evil are as plain as black and white.

Day Z is the grey area, and the bandit skin allowed people to believe that they were at least able to see different shades of grey.

You shouldn't be allowed to make such bold assessments from one variable. That's not how the game is played.

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Last weekend I spent half of a day moving inland and stopping at each town to carefully gather supplies. After leaving a town on a main highway I felt very exposed, so decided to climb a hill into the woods and travel by cover. When I made it to the woods, I felt very relieved, then BLAM! BLAM! Two super loud shotgun blasts that scared the hell out of me, and I was dead with everything lost. Never saw the bandit lying in wait that I unluckily walked right into (probably would have sniped me on the road if I had stayed). Or, maybe he was stalking me. Either way, well played, bandit!!! Friggin' awesome stuff!!

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Why are so many people complaining about the "cowaduty" kids killing them in chernogorsk or electro? Bandits are a part of the game' date=' and they bring life to the Day Z experience.

Imagine if you couldn't kill other survivors. What would this game become? Players would team up in large groups and eradicate a town until everyone had military grade weapons. The game would get dull in hours - everyone would have high tier loot and there would be no challenge.

Bandits bring unpredictability to the game. Is this person friendly? Am I going to die in the next ten seconds? Sometimes your instincts are wrong and you are going to get killed. Why blame the other person? You had loot that would benefit his survival and he can kill you to take it.

There are no rules here. There is no morality. People can (and should in some scenarios) lie to you to get ahead. Don't come to the forums with your tears to fuel further development. Those people that are killing you are playing a different way then you, and that's okay. Not everyone is a carebear that wants to hold hands to be friends.

I already know what some of you are going to say - "What about the snipers in cities that kill noobs just to ruin the experience for other players?" These bandits are smart bandits. Why should a bandit let you get gear in a main city, or worse, the airfield, so that you become a serious threat down the road?

So I for one support the efforts of bandits. The people complaining about this game becoming a death match must stop running into populated areas over and over and think a different result is going to occur when they know there are snipers around.

Bandits - you are teaching these players valuable lessons about the harsh reality of Chernarus. You make this game fun and exciting, and for that I thank you.


because bandits thats kill for fun cause more damage to their victims than bandits that kill for supplies... or so it would seem based on the amount of crying

Yup stealing dem beans hurts noobs so bad, how will they ever find more? :P

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While I certainly agree with this thread... It pisses me off that there are people preying on other people...

And that's what I react to. So correct, the skin is meaningless. When I observe a specific encounter of a person attacking and killing another person, I will do my best to kill the one doing the killing.

Otherwise, I don't attack unless definitively attacked.

But absolutely, the possibility of being attacked by another player adds hugely to the game. I can just still hate those people :P


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You have a very good point here. Although it is a pain to get killed by another player, but it is part of the game. That said... When someone asks if there is anyone in a certain location (I only ask if I know you're there), please respond as I will gun you down. I earned the bandit skin that way, which now makes me an enemy to all players. >_>

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Until the skins go away, the Bandit skin doesn't really say, 'shoot on sight', it just says, 'This guy has killed before, so be on your guard'. How each player handles that is going to vary.

Using a crude analogy, if you were on a bus and a guy sits next to you with a red prison jumpsuit on, wouldn't you be a little nervous?

You know he's been convicted of murder once before.

Are you going to accept him with open arms or are you going to be a little wary and keep an eye on your wallet?

I feel that this is no different. What I think is happening is that players are not willing to take the risk (killing a player in a game has no real world penalty, obviously) so they just shoot first to save themselves from getting their beans taken.


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Bottomline is, the game is just Deathmatch/Team Deathmatch, with zombies & RPG elements! People should have figured that out by now. Only about 20% or less of the players play it like a zombie coop RPG and that number is dwindling rapidly.

I stop playing because the zombie aspect was becoming mute, 99% percent of the time I'd get killed by other players, so there was no need to really worry about the zombies.

I'll sit back and patiently wait for the "Dayz Lite" version that allows for private servers (if it ever becomes available). Right now I'm really enjoying Chernarus Apocalypse with friends, the tension in that game is incredible!

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The simple answer is because there is no system in place to limit bandit activity. IRL most people would not go around killing other people for fun even after the zombie apocalypse. However, since this is a game and killing other players have no consequence, everyone does it freely. This means that you cannot trust anyone you meet, and and shooting them in the head is always the better option. This makes the game into a large deathmatch with the occasional zombie thrown in there and basically breaks the core idea of the game.

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Bandits are an essential part of the game. Some are a-holes who just kill, kill, kill, and don't even loot. But without them this game would not be nearly as special. And this 3:1 bandit to survivor ratio i read earlier in this thread is BS. You probably just don't remember all the survivors you saw and paid no mind too. But you can't stop thinking about that bandit that killed you and took your map.

THIS is Day Z. There's always Left 4 Dead if it's not your style...

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Bottomline is' date=' the game is just Deathmatch/Team Deathmatch, with zombies & RPG elements! People should have figured that out by now. Only about 20% or less of the players play it like a zombie coop RPG and that number is dwindling rapidly.

I stop playing because the zombie aspect was becoming mute, 99% percent of the time I'd get killed by other players, so there was no need to really worry about the zombies.

I'll sit back and patiently wait for the "Dayz Lite" version that allows for private servers (if it ever becomes available). Right now I'm really enjoying Chernarus Apocalypse with friends, the tension in that game is incredible!


It's not a game, it's just a couple of missions using the zombie module that more or less follow a story line.

Really wanna die and get scared shitless by zombies? It's COOP btw


DL the file at the bottom of the post, just another mission file like the Chernarus Apocalypse missions. Don't use the extreme one, it requires ACE and you will all die.

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Bottomline is' date=' the game is just Deathmatch/Team Deathmatch, with zombies & RPG elements! People should have figured that out by now. Only about 20% or less of the players play it like a zombie coop RPG and that number is dwindling rapidly.

I stop playing because the zombie aspect was becoming mute, 99% percent of the time I'd get killed by other players, so there was no need to really worry about the zombies.

I'll sit back and patiently wait for the "Dayz Lite" version that allows for private servers (if it ever becomes available). Right now I'm really enjoying Chernarus Apocalypse with friends, the tension in that game is incredible!


It's not a game, it's just a couple of missions using the zombie module that more or less follow a story line.

Really wanna die and get scared shitless by zombies? It's COOP btw


DL the file at the bottom of the post, just another mission file like the Chernarus Apocalypse missions. Don't use the extreme one, it requires ACE and you will all die.

Thanks for the link... much appreciated!

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Listen, there are multiple threads in the Bandit subsection of these forums for this. There is also the PvP thread. The ONLY PvP thread.

It's really frustrating having to tell everyone repeatedly to use the goddamn search function. But seriously. Use. The fucking. Search function.

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Listen' date=' there are multiple threads in the Bandit subsection of these forums for this. There is also the PvP thread. The ONLY PvP thread.

It's really frustrating having to tell everyone repeatedly to use the goddamn search function. But seriously. Use. The fucking. Search function.


Welcome to work, bro ;)

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