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Brat (DayZ)

Problem after the patch.

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After our latest patch - many players(including me and my bro) are having trouble with playing the game. Like some days ago - we played smoothly(No freezing while playing etc). And after the patch - many players have been complainin about the low FPS after the update(I guess it's FPS then, i've been telling that it's some sort of freezing(in 0.01secs every time i'm in-game).

So if someone have solved the problem- please post it here.

P.S. I have the LOWEST settings in the game,still the problem isn't solving.



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I can verify this, just logged in and experienced the same FPS drop. Tried to lower the GFX, reboot computer same thing.

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Same issue here. Things ran pretty smoothly before with a little bit of tweaking. Now the game is barely playable.

AMD Phenom II x4 810

4gb RAM

AMD 5770, latest drivers.

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Brat, please :) I know it's your first post here, but have you read the sticky titled READ BEFORE YOU POST? There is this important point mentioned in the troubleshooting section rules:

"• Have you tried searching the forum?"

Also your post is not titled well - it doesn't say anything about what the "Problem after the patch" is.

There is a thread for this discussion already. please take the discussion there


Another one in Bug Reports

And another popped up in General Discussion.

Thank you.

BTW, Rocket IS looking into the issue, he posted.

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