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From Console to PC

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i use both. used pc for gaming for a long time before i had any money to buy really anything. then i got a 360 one bday, played the shit out of that. now i recently got a gaming pc and play both. as most have said, there's pros and cons. basically pc has wider range of what you can do and best potential preformance, console has reliability and simplicity. your pc might get a virus or something unexpected, might not be able to run a game, slowly becomes outdated, or other problems not related to gaming. whereas with console you know for sure you can play the games you buy for it, and updating is just buying a new one and you're good to go till the next gen. also more likely to have more friends who game with consoles than pc, the average person doesn't have a gaming pc. some games are better on pc and some better on console. NHL for example, which i play a lot, i'd hate to play that on pc. pretty sure it's not even available on pc.

really up to you i guess. both have advantages and disadvantages.

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Build your own PC. Don't buy a retarded case, don't buy an SSD (yet), don't buy a shitty motherboard, don't listen to anyone's advice on graphics cards from anyone except (balanced/un-biased) reviewers, don't buy used parts, and for the love of god DO NOT buy a pre-built computer.

This guy probably has it right. Allow me to give you the non-TL;DR version

The thing is if u buy a prebuilt pc they might sound insanely good ( OMG i7 3930k IN IT WITH 16 GIGS OF RAM, MUST BE CRAZY GOOD PC) but the reason they sound cheap is because they put shitty parts in and ofc don't show off with those ( most likely a shitty PSU/motherboard/harddrive)

I'll give u some examples of the shit it can cause:

Shitty PSU:

-Not being able to power ur graphics card or multi-gfx cards, i actually experienced this myself a few years ago where my pc wouldn't evne POST with a second GTX480 installed.

-Non-stable voltages, even the slightest voltage spike can fuck up ur system or severely decrease its lifetime, especially when u do voltage tweaked overclocks.

Shitty Motherboard:

-Basicly, if i can giveyou one tip about building a pc: if you only have the money to go over the top with one thing, make sure its the motherboard, don't forget to check if it is SLI/Xfire eenabled (respectively ATI/NVIDIA's technology for multi-GPU computing).

-Shitty motherboards (the ones in prebuilt pcs) are 99% likely to not allow overclocks, this is retarded because it allows u to turn a 200€ processor into a processor with the power to absolutely destroy a non-overclocked 1000€ one.

=>my i7 2600K(250€ and a quadcore) at 5Ghz absolutely destroys my retarded friend's 980X( hexacore) who spent 1100€ and didn't overclock it/cooled it with the standard intel cooler (i know this just made many people cry, it made me and baby jesus cry aswell)

-Shitty motherboards also make ur CPU very vulnerable to the voltage spikes mentioned above.

Shitty harddrive:

-SSD's are good, but very costy, i suggest u spend money in this last because it will not help you whatsoever for gaming, it just makes the game load faster (i have RAID 0 SSD's wh can read/write at 1.2Gig/sec. Yes, i load fast, but in starcraft/league of legends, i still have to wait untill mr i-play-lol-on-iphone to finish loading, so it does shit for me.

-Harddrives in prebuilt pc's most likely have 5.6K RPM drives, i know i said the speed of ur harddrive doesn't matter alot for gaming, but that 7.2K RPM drive is a minimal MUST

Last but not least:

-Pre-built pc's cost way too much for what they are, selfmade pc's can go up to 300% the performance for the same price + if you're smart you can find a way not to pay for ur windows copy who can save u up to 300€ ( ARR ME MATEY).

What icomrade said about the reviews is true, watch tons and tons of reviews for every piece u buy. I could help you aswell if you want, but i warn u that i'm extremely biased. If you decide to buy anything AMD(ATI) then i won't speak to u ever again :P

I was a console gamer before aswell(untill SOCOM: U.S. NAVY SEALs became utter and complete shit) And since i started playing PC i don't think the PS3 has had any power in it for at least 2 years now ;)

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I'll try to make this quick. Should I abandon my console and buy a gaming PC? I love the looks of DayZ... Now to mention it, I see how bad the console is in comparison. It's not just DayZ, but most other games in general. Battlefield, Team Fortress, etc. I'm trying to make up my mind :blush: .


Also: Please don't troll me for playing console


Console is great for games like Halo and Killzone.

They aren't on the PC which is a bummer in itself and they also have an easy to manage online system.

I don't know about the rest of you, but my friends are too cheap to afford a quality PC to play games like DayZ. If your friends have a decent PC and will play with you then definitely ditch the console.

I try to get the best of all worlds.

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My PC is also my console.

GT580 HDMI + 55 inch LED +Steam +XBOX 360 Windows controler = Win.

Edited by opeth

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Nothing wrong with expanding your horizons. I played console straight up until GameCube and got introduced to (the original) Tribes. Been playing PC since. If you plan to really dive into PC games make sure you get Steam and lots of indie games. Best ideas seem to be coming from indie minds. Tons of awesome games out there, including Arma2/DayZ.

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Nothing wrong with expanding your horizons. I played console straight up until GameCube and got introduced to (the original) Tribes. Been playing PC since. If you plan to really dive into PC games make sure you get Steam and lots of indie games. Best ideas seem to be coming from indie minds. Tons of awesome games out there, including Arma2/DayZ.

Tribes rules! Been playing Tribes Ascend. Im over there too.. lol

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Tribes rules! Been playing Tribes Ascend. Im over there too.. lol

They really did a good job with T:A. I was super nervous in the beta but they turned it around. Wish it was still moddable though.

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They really did a good job with T:A. I was super nervous in the beta but they turned it around. Wish it was still moddable though.

When the interest dies down in T:A im sure they will make it so..

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I still have my Xbox console. Mainly because I can buy used games for fairly cheap for it, as opposed to PC games. I won't ever get a new game for my console though. If the PC version is cheaper, then I will get it. IF the Xbox version is cheaper, then I get it instead.

But my PC dominates my console in all ways. I don't even have a high end PC and it's at least 50 times better then my console.

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You should definetely go for a gaming pc. I prefer pc gaming way more than console gaming but do still have an xbox360 for some of the exclusives.

If you are in/near the UK and don't want to build one yourself you could try pcspecialist.co.uk. They do custom gaming systems and are pretty cheap. I'm in ireland and I bought one from them before Christmas and didn't have any problems. HIghly recommend if they deliver to where ever you are.(If you do decide to use them make sure to upgrade to the silver warrenty for an extra £5)

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Keep both. Consoles are good for the awesome title that comes out once or twice during it's lifespan, and your real life friends most likely only play console. Agreed on build your own pc, it's the only way to go. Confused as to why some would suggest not getting an SSD? Definitely get an SSD if you're building a pc today. The prices are cheap and the performance blows away regular hd's. If you think they still cost too much, just get a small one for the OS and a few games, use normal ones for storage.

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