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Battleeye causing lag and stutters, request a serious answer please

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Please take two minuts to read and help me somehow.

So, after the new patch 952 something has comed out, i started to have this tiny stutters every 0.5 seconds, the game freezes then for like 0.2 secs, and it loops over and over, its unplayable since i cannot aim even at the zombies, after trying to solve my problem this night, i entered in a server, everything was going smooth for about 2 minuts, then i figured out the problem, on the bottom left of the screen a suddently message appear, the one that says about battleeye being up-to-date, from then the stutters have begun again. I'm not even sure if this is the right place to talk about it, or the right forum, this is what i've learned anyway, battleye makes my game unplayable. So, my friends, have you got any idea to fix this?

I tryied: Launch game from Steam / Six launcher

Update Video card drivers

Logged into different servers, same happens like i described before

Lowered all details

Enabled @Dayz from beta launch in the OA folder

still got stutters,

still battleye fault.

Any idea?

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Updated, still stutters like hell. And there are just two other people on google having my same problem, but seems nobody have noticed that battleye is the cause of this

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I hear you....and feel with you.....I wonder why you think its BattlEye causing this.....

Do you have six running in the background?...try turn it off...

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I hear you....and feel with you.....I wonder why you think its BattlEye causing this.....

Do you have six running in the background?...try turn it off...

because if you read what i said, i logged into a server and battleye was not apparently loaded, it took like 2 minuts to be loaded up, and when in the bottom left of the screen is appeared the battleye thing Up-to-date, the stuttering had begun again, i'm now trying to enter in a non-BE server to see if my thoughts are correct. Btw i tryied to launch the game by steam and six, same problem, nothing changed, and all this wasn't happening untill they forced us to upgrade the 94054 patch to the newest, my problems have started from there

Edited by darkanima270

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Still wondering....

Ok, lets talk Battleye....WHat version did BattlEye upgrade your client to ? the "thing- up- to date" thing you know....*smiles*


While you read Bandit campfire I can add some more questions....

What version of ARMA and Dayz are you running now ? And I would like to know where you get that information.

Edited by Drogur
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i got it from here http://www.battleye.com/download.html

the battleye thin i meant was this:

BattlEye client: Server requiring client version 1.165 up-to-date

BattlEye client: Server computed GUID: (a lot of numbers and letters)

whenever this thing show up in a server, stutters begins, sometimes (rarely) it takes more then one minut to load this, and there are no stutters untill this phrase show up

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Yes, I hear you....Do the stutter last? or will it eventually pass or change in apperance?

And I need your versions

Edited by Drogur
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Ok, as i told you before, i tryied entering in a server without battleye, the result is the same, i don't get any stutter at all.

By the way, i've just noticed that there are servers connected to the @hive and have BE off, because as i entered in US1445 i saw two helicopters...lal


I'm running the beta patch 95310, and as i said, problems have started since we've been forced to download the 95248, i also tryied 95099, 95168 and 95208, same problem with all these patches. Before the 95099 everything was running smooth and fine

regard the last question my answer is no, the stutters don't change at all, i get something like a stutter every 0.5 seconds, and it last for 0.2 or 0.3 secs, no matter what i do or where do i look or walk, stutters keeps looping endlessy

Edited by darkanima270

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ok...it has to do with BattlEye....your BattlEye.....lets find out why....

Version of ARMA and DAYZ and where you read that please..

Edited by Drogur
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Uhm..i don't really know how to find whats my arma 2 and dayz mod version is, where do i look?

(they should be updated anyway)

Edited by darkanima270

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Ok, as i told you before, i tryied entering in a server without battleye, the result is the same, i don't get any stutter at all.

By the way, i've just noticed that there are servers connected to the @hive and have BE off, because as i entered in US1445 i saw two helicopters...lal


I'm running the beta patch 95310, and as i said, problems have started since we've been forced to download the 95248, i also tryied 95099, 95168 and 95208, same problem with all these patches. Before the 95099 everything was running smooth and fine

regard the last question my answer is no, the stutters don't change at all, i get something like a stutter every 0.5 seconds, and it last for 0.2 or 0.3 secs, no matter what i do or where do i look or walk, stutters keeps looping endlessy

It sounds like you know what you are doing....so i have to presume that your stated version is as you say....its a rare diamond this one....I´m searching the Biostudio troubleshooting section.....you havent made any ticket there....maybe you should...I dont really have more to contribute...but it will bother me for whats it worth...

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Uhm..i don't really know how to find whats my arma 2 and dayz mod version is, where do i look?

(they should be updated anyway)

To be sure to know what ARMA has loaded or not...you look in right down corner in window before multiplayer...in ARMA...

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anyhow you have been very kind helping me to find out whats wrong with my BE, all what i can do its giving you backpack of beans and say i very very appriciated your help. Tomorrow i try to make a post where you said before, or at least i will just wait for the next patch...hope it wil be soon.

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